Due to a problem in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 22.3, the “ptp_fw.tcl” script provided in the design examples for multilane PTP variants of the F-tile Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP might yield incorrect rx_tam_adjust values.
To work around this problem, perform the following steps:
- Open the PTP firmware script located at <generated example design folder>/hardware_test_design/hwtest/altera/ptp/ptp_fw.tcl
- Find and replace the following lines of code:
# b) Calculate pulse adjustment for {set fl 0} {$fl < $::FL} {incr fl} { |
# b) Calculate pulse adjustment and check for FEC's cw_pos rollover between FEC lane received from the same transceiver lane for {set fl 0} {$fl < $::FL} {incr fl} { set cond2a [expr ($rx_fec_cw_pos_fl($fl_minus) > $rx_fec_cw_pos_fl($fl))] if {$cond1a && $cond1b} { |
return [array get rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj] |
set l_rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj [array get rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj] return [list $l_rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj $l_rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj_sign] |
proc determine_rx_ref_lane {lst_rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj VL ui rx_pcs_bitslip_cnt rx_pcs_dlpulse_aligned l_rx_apulse_offset l_rx_apulse_offset_sign l_rx_apulse_wdelay l_rx_apulse_time ip_inst_base_addr} { # # arguments: # returns: 'array-lists' for rx spulse offset (+sign bit). rx ref pl/vl/fl
array set rx_apulse_offset $l_rx_apulse_offset array set rx_apulse_offset_sign $l_rx_apulse_offset_sign array set rx_apulse_wdelay $l_rx_apulse_wdelay array set rx_apulse_time $l_rx_apulse_time array set rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj $lst_rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj
print_info_time "Determine RX reference lane" # a) Determine sync pulse (Alignment Marker) offsets with reference to async pulse if {$::FEC > 0} { print_out "\tVariant : FEC>0" for {set fl 0} {$fl < $::FL} {incr fl} { set fl_minus [expr $fl - [expr $fl % $::PL_FL_MAP]] set val0 [format 0x%X [expr $rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj($fl_minus) & 0x0000001F]] set val1 [format 0x%X [expr $rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj($fl) + $val0]]
if {$val1 > $rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj($fl_minus)} { set rx_spulse_offset_sign($fl) 0 set rx_spulse_offset_0 [format 0x%lX [expr [expr ($rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj($fl) - $rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj($fl_minus)) + $val0] * $ui * $::PL_FL_MAP]] set rx_spulse_offset_1 [format 0x%lX [expr $rx_spulse_offset_0 & 0x7FFFFFFFFFF]] ; # 43'rx_spulse_offset_0 set rx_spulse_offset($fl) [format 0x%X [expr $rx_spulse_offset_1 >> [expr 28 - 16]]] } else { set rx_spulse_offset_sign($fl) 1 set rx_spulse_offset_0 [format 0x%lX [expr [expr ($rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj($fl_minus) - $rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj($fl)) - $val0] * $ui * $::PL_FL_MAP]] set rx_spulse_offset_1 [format 0x%lX [expr $rx_spulse_offset_0 & 0x7FFFFFFFFFF]] ; # 43'rx_spulse_offset_0 set rx_spulse_offset($fl) [format 0x%X [expr $rx_spulse_offset_1 >> [expr 28 - 16]]] } |
proc determine_rx_ref_lane {lst_rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj lst_rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj_sign VL ui rx_pcs_bitslip_cnt rx_pcs_dlpulse_aligned l_rx_apulse_offset l_rx_apulse_offset_sign l_rx_apulse_wdelay l_rx_apulse_time ip_inst_base_addr} { # # arguments: # returns: 'array-lists' for rx spulse offset (+sign bit). rx ref pl/vl/fl
array set rx_apulse_offset $l_rx_apulse_offset array set rx_apulse_offset_sign $l_rx_apulse_offset_sign array set rx_apulse_wdelay $l_rx_apulse_wdelay array set rx_apulse_time $l_rx_apulse_time array set rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj $lst_rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj array set rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj_sign $lst_rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj_sign
print_info_time "Determine RX reference lane" # a) Determine sync pulse (Alignment Marker) offsets with reference to async pulse if {$::FEC > 0} { print_out "\tVariant : FEC>0" for {set fl 0} {$fl < $::FL} {incr fl} { set fl_minus [expr $fl - [expr $fl % $::PL_FL_MAP]] set val0 [format 0x%X [expr $rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj($fl_minus) & 0x0000001F]] set val1 [format 0x%X [expr $rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj($fl) + $val0]]
if {$rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj_sign($fl) == 1} { set rx_spulse_offset_sign($fl) 1 set rx_spulse_offset_0 [format 0x%lX [expr $rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj($fl) * $ui * $::PL_FL_MAP]] set rx_spulse_offset_1 [format 0x%lX [expr $rx_spulse_offset_0 & 0x7FFFFFFFFFF]] ; # 43'rx_spulse_offset_0 set rx_spulse_offset($fl) [format 0x%X [expr $rx_spulse_offset_1 >> [expr 28 - 16]]] } else { if {$val1 > $rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj($fl_minus)} { set rx_spulse_offset_sign($fl) 0 set rx_spulse_offset_0 [format 0x%lX [expr [expr ($rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj($fl) - $rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj($fl_minus)) + $val0] * $ui * $::PL_FL_MAP]] set rx_spulse_offset_1 [format 0x%lX [expr $rx_spulse_offset_0 & 0x7FFFFFFFFFF]] ; # 43'rx_spulse_offset_0 set rx_spulse_offset($fl) [format 0x%X [expr $rx_spulse_offset_1 >> [expr 28 - 16]]] } else { set rx_spulse_offset_sign($fl) 1 set rx_spulse_offset_0 [format 0x%lX [expr [expr ($rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj($fl_minus) - $rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj($fl)) - $val0] * $ui * $::PL_FL_MAP]] set rx_spulse_offset_1 [format 0x%lX [expr $rx_spulse_offset_0 & 0x7FFFFFFFFFF]] ; # 43'rx_spulse_offset_0 set rx_spulse_offset($fl) [format 0x%X [expr $rx_spulse_offset_1 >> [expr 28 - 16]]] } } |
array set rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj [configure_rx_fec_cw_pos $inst_num $init_pl] |
if {$::FEC > 0} { set int_list [configure_rx_fec_cw_pos $inst_num $init_pl] lassign $int_list l_rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj l_rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj_sign
array set rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj $l_rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj array set rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj_sign $l_rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj_sign if {$::debug} { for {set fl 0} {$fl < $::FL} {incr fl} { print_out "\trx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj($fl) : [format 0x%08X $rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj($fl)]" print_out "\trx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj_sign($fl) : [format 0x%08X $rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj_sign($fl)]" } } |
# Step 3: Determine RX reference lane set int_list [determine_rx_ref_lane [array get rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj]\ $VL\ |
# Step 3: Determine RX reference lane set int_list [determine_rx_ref_lane [array get rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj]\ [array get rx_xcvr_if_pulse_adj_sign]\ $VL |
- Save the file
This problem is fixed beginning with the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 22.4.