Article ID: 000088223 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 11/27/2024

Why does the In-System Sources and Probes instance shows incorrect waveform behavior when using the Agilex™ FPGA DDR4 IP example design?


  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition
  • In-System Sources & Probes Intel® FPGA IP

    Due to the auto-adjust frequency feature of the FPGA Download Cable II (formerly referred to as the USB Blaster II download cable), the frequency (TCK) is set to 24 MHz after every power cycle, but the Agilex™ DDR4 FPGA IP example design constraints the JTAG frequency (TCK) to 16 MHz causing the In-System Sources and Probes instance to capture incorrect data.



    To work around this problem, set JTAG TCK to 16 MHz before running the Agilex™ FPGA DDR4 IP example design test. Once the frequency has been set correctly, you can safely ignore the following warning when compiling your design:

    Warning: The External Memory Interface IP Example Design is using default JTAG timing constraints from jtag_example.sdc. For correct hardware behavior, you must review the timing constraints and ensure they accurately reflect your JTAG topology and clock speed.



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