Article ID: 000085334 Content Type: Error Messages Last Reviewed: 05/24/2023

Error (175020): Illegal constraint of pin to the region : no valid locations in region


  • Quartus® II Subscription Edition
  • DDR3 SDRAM Controller with UniPHY Intel® FPGA IP

    In Arria® V devices, some differential pairs only have one of the signals in a DQ group.

    When a differential pair of this type is used for the memory clock in UniPHY IP, in the Quartus® II software version 11.1 releases, the placement achieves a successful fit. However, in the Quartus II software version 12.0 release, the placement results in the following fitter error message:

     Error (175020): Illegal constraint of pin to the region : no valid locations in region


    In the UniPHY IP file  xxx_addr_cmd_pads.v, find the localparam declaration of USE_ADDR_CMD_CPS_FOR_MEM_BK and change it from false to true.

    Recompile the project.

    The recommendation for optimum timing is to place both pins of the memory clock differential pair in a DQ group, but in future versions of the Quartus II software, a successful fit should also be achieved when only one of the pins is in the DQ group.

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