This analysis and synthesis error message might be seen in the UniPHY example project when the UniPHY Intel® FPGA IP has these combination of settings :
- PHY Settings: Any of the PLL/DLL/OCT sharing mode options set to host or agent
- Diagnostics: Enable EMIF On-Chip Debug Toolkit selected
The problem is due to the file being listed twice in the design example .qip file.
The workaround is to comment out one of the files in the design example .qip file. For example :
#set_global_assignment -library "<IP_name>_example" -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "<IP_name>_example/submodules/<IP_name>_example_if0_s0_software/"]
This problem is fixed starting with the Quartus® II software version 13.0.