Warning message:
Warning: xxx.xcvr_native_a10_0: The current value "1_1V" for parameter "VCCR_GXB and VCCT_GXB supply voltage for the Transceiver" (anlg_voltage) is invalid. Possible valid values are: "1_0V" "0_9V". The parameter value is invalid under these current parameter settings: "device" (device)="" (10AX115S4F45I3SGE2). Rule(s): pma_rx_buf_power_mode: pma_tx_buf_power_mode: pma_rx_buf_power_mode_rx.
You may see the above warning when migrating the Arria® 10 device transceiver Native PHY from Quartus® II version 15.0.2 to Quartus Prime version15.1.
If you open the Arria 10 Native PHY IP, there are two new options for the transceiver
1) VCCR_GXB and VCCT_GXB Voltage
2) Transceiver Link Type
These default to 1_1v and Short Reach (SR) respectively.
You should check your board voltage settings and match this to the VCCR_GXB and VCCT_GXB voltage setting in the Native PHY IP. Also select SR or Long Reach (LR) in the Native PHY IP depending on your protocol requirements.