The Cyclone® V Hard IP for PCI Express simulation can get stuck in the L0 state because the encrypted simulation models are attempting to use a Quartus® II software define statement that is not included in the riviera_pro.tcl simulation script.
Go into riviera_pro.tcl and update the following lines:
vlog "/eda/sim_lib/aldec/cyclonev_atoms_ncrypt.v" -work cyclonev_ver
vlog "/eda/sim_lib/aldec/cyclonev_hmi_atoms_ncrypt.v" -work cyclonev_ver
vlog "/eda/sim_lib/aldec/cyclonev_hssi_atoms_ncrypt.v" -work cyclonev_hssi_ver
vlog "/eda/sim_lib/aldec/cyclonev_pcie_hip_atoms_ncrypt.v" -work cyclonev_pcie_hip_ver
vlog define QUARTUS "/eda/sim_lib/aldec/cyclonev_atoms_ncrypt.v" -work cyclonev_ver
vlog define QUARTUS "/eda/sim_lib/aldec/cyclonev_hmi_atoms_ncrypt.v" -work cyclonev_ver
vlog define QUARTUS "/eda/sim_lib/aldec/cyclonev_hssi_atoms_ncrypt.v" -work cyclonev_hssi_ver
vlog define QUARTUS "/eda/sim_lib/aldec/cyclonev_pcie_hip_atoms_ncrypt.v" -work cyclonev_pcie_hip_ver
Any line that has ncrypt needs a defined QUARTUS added to it.
Run in the Aldec tool the following commands for successful simulation:
Source riviera_pro.tcl