Due to a problem in AN830: Intel® FPGA Triple-Speed Ethernet and On-Board PHY Chip Reference Design that was generated using Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 17.1, Intel® FPGA Triple-Speed Ethernet IP core fails to perform auto-negotiation with link partner at 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps.
This is because Intel® Stratix® 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit Board on-board Marvell* 88E1111 PHY chip is not configured to advertise 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps speed correctly during the auto-negotiation with the link partner.
To avoid this error, tse_marvel_phy.tcl script that's located in <project_directory>/sc_tcl of the reference design need to be amended with the following design changes.
Include the following lines within the default { } condition at line 131 of the tse_marvel_phy.tcl script:
if { $PHY_COPPER_DUPLEX == 1} {
set quad_phy_register_value_temp [expr {$quad_phy_register_value_temp | 0x0140}];
puts "Advertise PHY 100BASE-TX & 10BASE-TX Full Duplex";
} else {
set quad_phy_register_value_temp [expr {$quad_phy_register_value_temp | 0x00A0}];
puts "Advertise PHY 100BASE-TX & 10BASE-TX Half Duplex";
This problem is scheduled to be fixed in a future release of AN 830: Intel® FPGA Triple-Speed Ethernet and On-Board PHY Chip Reference Design.