When the preloader is configured to boot from FPGA (CONFIG_PRELOADER_EXE_ON_FPGA == 1), the preloader will skip the bridge configuration and not pass the bridge configuration information to U-boot.
To resolve this in U-boot, call the following command before calling “run bridge_enable_handoff”:
setenv l3remap_handoff 0x19
As an example, the text of the U-boot commands (before U-boot header is added) can be the following:
fatload mmc 0:1 soc_system.rbf;
fpga load 0 ;
setenv l3remap_handoff 0x19
run bridge_enable_handoff;
run mmcload;
run mmcboot;
For more information regarding creating u-boot.scr files, please see the rocketboards documentation page.