The file altpcie_cv_hip_avmm_hwtcl.v line 214 should be changed from
parameter CB_P2A_AVALON_ADDR_B0 = 32\'h01000000,
parameter CB_P2A_AVALON_ADDR_B0 = 32\'h00000000,
The file is found in the following directory:
<your Quartus install directory>\ip\altera\altera_pcie\altera_pcie_cv_hip_avmm\altpcie_cv_hip_avmm_hwtcl.v
You must regenerate the IP after modifying the above file.
After regeneration, you must modify the file altpciexpav_stif_txavl_cntrl.v in your current project directory, find line 213
assign pcie_space_64 = bypass_trans? 1\'b0 : PCIeAddrSpace_i[0];
and replace it with:
assign pcie_space_64 = bypass_trans? 1\'b1 : PCIeAddrSpace_i[0];
This is scheduled to be fixed in a future release of the Quartus II software.