This solution discusses the migration path for EPM7128A designs to EPM7128AE devices and EPM7256A designs to EPM7256AE devices.
EPM7128AE and EPM7256AE devices are a superset of the EPM7128A and EPM7256A devices. MAX® 7000AE devices provide faster performance for equivalent density and speed grades compared to MAX 7000A devices and are, therefore, timing compatible. When migrating from an EPM7128A device to an EPM7128AE device or an EPM7256A device to an EPM7256AE device, choose the appropriate substitutes shown in PDN0507 (PDF) and PDN0508 (PDF) respectively. If your design follows synchronous design practice and does not rely on fixed delays, there are no design changes required for migrating. If your design does rely on fixed delays, you should synchronize the design to account for faster performance for your MAX 7000A design migration to a MAX 7000AE device, especially if the MAX 7000AE substitute has a faster speed grade designator (e.g. EPM7128ATC100-6 substitute is an EPM7128AETC100-5).
The programming object file (.pof) for an EPM7128A or EPM7256A device can be programmed into the EPM7128AE or EPM7256AE device, respectively, using the MAX PLUS® II software version 9.6 and later or with 3rd party programming software from BP Microsystems or System General. The Quartus® II software cannot be used to cross program EPM7128A or EPM7256A POF files into EPM7128AE or EPM7256AE devices. For any other 3rd Party Programming vendors besides BP Microsystems and System General, it is recommended you follow the procedure below to convert the MAX 7000A POF files into MAX 7000AE compatible POF format.
Procedure for Converting a MAX 7000A POF to MAX 7000AE POF Format
- Download the convert_7KA_pof.exe utility from here - POF Conversion Utility. This utility requires a PC running DOS command prompt with Windows 98 or later.
- Execute the utility with the following command line usage format:
convert_7KA_pof <MAX7000A_input_filename.pof> <MAX 7000AE_output_filename.pof>
You must choose a different filename for the MAX 7000AE output POF than the MAX 7000A input POF. Example usage below:
C:\convert_7KA_pof C:\my_pof_directory\example_7KA.pof C:\my_pof_directory\example_7KAE.pof
The output POF file is now compatible with the substitute MAX 7000AE device. The Jam STAPL, Jam Bytecode 1.0, Jam Bytecode 2.0, and SVF files for the EPM7128A and EPM7256A devices cannot program their corresponding MAX 7000AE counterparts. Therefore, designs using these file formats require the above procedure as well as an additional step:
- Create a Jam STAPL, Jam Bytecode 1.0, Jam Bytecode 2.0, or SVF file from that MAX 7000AE POF file using the MAX PLUS II programmer software version 10.2 or later available on the web free. See online help for Jam STAPL, JBC, and SVF file generation procedures.
If you do not have the original 7000A POF file from which your Jam STAPL or JBC file originated, you must follow the procedures below with appropriate equipment and software. If you are using 7000A SVF files for programming and do not have the original MAX 7000A POF file, please contact Altera Applications for more information.
Procedure for Converting a Single Device Chain MAX 7000A Jam STAPL or JBC file to MAX 7000AE Format if Original MAX 7000A POF is Not Available
The procedure below only applies to Jam STAPL or JBC files that were generated for a single chain MAX 7000A device, i.e. there are no other devices in the JTAG chain. If your Jam STAPL or JBC file was generated for a multi-device chain and you do not have the original MAX 7000A POF, please contact Altera Applications for more information.
• Windows-based computer running the Windows XP operating system
• Altera MAX PLUS II or MAX PLUS II Baseline software version 10.2 or later
• Altera PL-APU programming unit
• Altera programming adapter for the selected package type (PLMJ7000-84, PLMF7000-100, PLMT7000-100NC, PLMT7000-144NC, PLMR7256-208NC, or PLMF7000-256)
• Altera MAX 7000A device (speed and temp grade does not matter)
- Attach the PL-APU programming unit using the USB interface cable. Attach the appropriate programming adapter.
- Start the MAX PLUS II software. Using the MAX PLUS II menu, select Programmer to open the Programmer window.
- Using the File menu, choose the "Select Programming File" command to select the programming file to be converted (Jam STAPL or JBC). The expected MAX 7000A ordering code should appear in the Device field of the Programmer window.
- If the Security Bit field is checked in the Programmer window, click it to turn OFF the security bit feature.
- Insert the MAX 7000A device into the programming adapter socket. Click the Program button to program the device.
- Click the Examine button to read the device data.
- If the Security Bit feature should be enabled, click the Security Bit field in the Programmer window to turn ON the security bit feature.
- Using the File menu, select the "Save Programming Data As" command. Choose a filename to save the MAX 7000A POF file.
- Open a command prompt window and use the "convert_7KA_pof" utility to convert the MAX 7000A POF file into a MAX 7000AE POF file (see procedure above).
- Using the MAX PLUS II File menu, select the "Create Jam or SVF File" command.
- Click Add to add the new MAX 7000AE POF file to the "Create jam or SVF File" conversion window, then select appropriate File Format and Output File name and destination folder.
- Click OK to generate the file. This newly converted file can program MAX 7000AE devices.