There is a bug in the UniPHY DDR3 IP which incorrectly allows a configuration for a single chip select 8Gbit DDR3 memory device with 16 row, 11 column, and 3 bank address bits to be generated for the Arria® V and Cyclone® V hard and HPS memory controllers.
The largest supported DDR3 device capacity configurations are as follows :
Hard Memory Controller and HPS Memory Controller: 4Gbit per chip select with an address configuration of 16 rows, 10 columns, and 3 bank bits.
Soft Controller: 8Gbit per chip select with an address configuration of 16 rows, 11 columns, and 3 bank bits.
For further information on the Arria® V hard and HPS memory controller supported configurations, see Table 7-17: Features of the Arria® V Hard Memory Controller in the Arria V Handbook and see Table 11-1: SDRAM Controller Interface Memory Options in the Arria V Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual.
For further information on the Cyclone® V hard and HPS memory controller supported configurations, see Table 6-14: Features of the Cyclone® V Hard Memory Controller in the Cyclone V Handbook and see Table 11-1: SDRAM Controller Interface Memory Options in the Cyclone V Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual.