You might see the Quartus® II software Fitter error above when compiling for Intel® Arria® 10 devices.
To work around this problem, refer to the Power Supply Sharing Guidelines section of the Intel® Arria® 10 Pin Connection Guidelines (PDF) document and verify the following:
- The intended transceiver data rate does not exceed the maximum data rate supported for the selected Intel Arria 10 device transceiver speed grade.
- The user assigned transceiver VCCR_GXB and VCCT_GXB supplies do not exceed the maximum voltage supported for the selected Intel Arria 10 device.
- The transceiver data rate does not exceed the maximum data rate supported of the user-assigned link type (chip-to-chip or backplane) for the selected Intel Arria 10 device.
If any of the above are violated, update your Quartus II project assignments and/or select a new Intel Arria 10 device with a faster transceiver speed grade.