tREFI result in simulation and on the board might be larger than expected if you set tREFI to less than 7.8us in DDR/DDR2/LPDDR2 MegaWizard.
DDR/DDR2/LPDDR2 SDRAM IP has a MEM_TREFI parameter, which defines the tREFI parameter in terms of memory clock cycles.
Since the minimum value of this parameter is limited to 780, tREFI becomes larger when the memory clock is slower.
For example, tREFI for DDR2 SDRAM should be 3.9us at >85C. But if the DDR2 memory clock is 125MHz(8ns), the minimum tREFI value can be 8ns x 780 = 6.24us.
tREFI for DDR should be 7.8us. But if the DDR memory clock is 76.9MHz (13ns), the minimum tREFI value can be 13ns x 780 = 10.14us.
As a workaround, if the DDR memory clock is below 100MHz or if you set tREFI to <7.8us on DDR2 memory, you can change the MEM_TREFI parameter in
*ddrx_controller_wrapper (Altmemphy-based IP) file or *_c0 (UniPHY-based IP) file to correct the tREFI value.
This problem has been fixed in Quartus® II Software Version 12.0.