To perform a timing simulation of a ModelSim project with the ModelSim-Intel FPGA Edition interface

  1. To compile the Verilog Output File (Verilog Output File (.vo) Definition), VHDL Output File (VHDL Output File (.vho) Definition), or SystemVerilog Output File (SystemVerilog Output File (.svo)) and testbench files (if you are using a testbench) into the working directory:
    1. On the Compile menu, click Compile.
    2. In the Library list of the Compile HDL Source Files dialog box, select the work library.
    3. In the Files of Type list, select All Files (*.*), and in the Look in list, select the name of the .vo, .svo, or .vho.
    4. Click Compile.
    5. Repeat steps 1b to 1d for the testbench file (if you are using one) that instantiates the .vo, .svo, or .vho.
    6. Click Done.
  2. If your design contains device-wide reset or device power up signals, and if you have not already done so, set up the signals in the Verilog Output File or set up the signals in the VHDL Output File.
  3. On the Simulate menu, click Start Simulation. The Start Simulation dialog box appears.
  4. If you are simulating a Verilog HDL design, click the Verilog tab. Under Pulse Options, type 0 in the Error Limit and Rejection Limit boxes.
  5. If you are simulating a VHDL design, to specify the Standard Delay Format Output File (.sdo) Definition
    1. Click the SDF tab.
    2. Click Add.
    3. In the Add SDF Entry dialog box, click Browse. The Select SDF File dialog box appears.
    4. In the Files of type list, select All Files (*.*).
    5. Select the .sdo.
    6. Click Open.
    7. Click OK.
      Note: If you are using a testbench file to provide simulation stimuli to your design, in the Apply to region box, specify the path to the design instance in the testbench, starting from the top-level design file.
  6. If you are simulating a Verilog HDL design, to specify the ModelSim precompiled libraries:
    1. Click the Libraries tab.
    2. In the Search Libraries (-L) box, click Add.
    3. Expand the Select library list to see the list of all libraries, including precompiled ModelSim-Intel FPGA Edition libraries, and select the appropriate precompiled ModelSim-Intel FPGA Edition libraries.
    4. Click OK.
  7. Click the Design tab.
  8. In the Name list, click the + icon to expand the work directory and select the design entity that corresponds to the .sdo.
  9. Click Add.
  10. Select the top-level design file or testbench.
  11. Click Add.
  12. If you are simulating high-speed circuits (including designs that use HSSI, LVDS, or PLLs):
    1. Click the Other tab.
    2. In the Other options box type +transport_int_delays and +transport_path_delays.
    3. Click OK.
  13. Click Load.
  14. To direct the ModelSim-Intel FPGA Edition software to generate a Value Change Dump File (.vcd) Definition that you can then use to perform power analysis in the Quartus® Prime PowerPlay® Power Analyzer, type the following command at the ModelSim prompt:

    source <testbench or design instance name>_dump_all_vcd_nodes.tcl

  15. The Tcl Script File directs the ModelSim-Intel FPGA Edition software to monitor and write the output signals contained in the Tcl Script File to a Value Change Dump File during simulation.
  16. Perform the timing simulation in the ModelSim-Intel FPGA Edition software.
Note: The EDA Netlist Writer generates a functional simulation netlist rather than a timing simulation netlist for designs that specify Stratix® V or newer device families, even if you specified a timing simulation netlist.