Persistent Memory Learning Path for System Administrators

ID 724372
Updated 3/9/2022
Version Latest



This list of resources is a great place for system administrators to get started. We start with an introduction to what Persistent Memory (PMem) is, then cover operating modes, system requirements, and point to a quick start guide with links to find more help and more in-depth information if needed. If you're looking for how to get started as a developer, follow the PMem Learning Path for Developers article. Let’s get started!


What is Persistent Memory: This three-minute high-level video covers what persistent memory is, how it works, and what makes it so great.

Introduction to PMEM: covers the Storage Network Industry Association (SNIA) NVM programming model and introduces key concepts for application developers. houses a plethora of resources that can also be helpful for sys admins.

Getting Started

System Requirements: Latest system requirements are listed on

The Three-Part Quick Start Guide: If you have a bit of time, and a desire to know the nitty gritty of all things PMem, the three-part quick start guide covers in depth everything you need to know.

  • Part 1 covers concepts related to provisioning, namespaces, operating modes, hardware requirements and introduces ipmctl.
  • Linux Guide is part 2 and includes ndctl, ipmctl, and a walkthrough of configuring your linux platform.
  • Windows Guide is part 3 which covers devicemanager, cmdlets, and a tutorial for configuring your Windows platform.

If you prefer to learn via short videos, similar content can be found in Getting Started with Intel Persistent Memory, 10 minute walkthrough video of how to specify and set regions, namespaces, operating modes, and create filesystems. If you need a refresher on which mode to choose, check out this quick 6-minute video covering the various operating modes and when is best to use each one.

The ipmctl user guide and ndctl User Guide will be helpful with getting started. For a quick reference you may choose to refer to the ipmctl and ndctl cheat sheets.

PMem on a Virtual Machine: Tutorial on how to run vmware VMs with persistent memory is covered by Eduardo Berrocal in this 6-minute video.

Debugging with ipmctl: If you run into a problem while setting up your Intel persistent memory, using ipmctl can be helpful to debug your system. Ipmctl is only used for Intel persistent memory. For managing PMem from other vendors, use ndctl.

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