Get started with Intel® Distribution for Python*, Intel® Optimization for NumPy, and Intel Optimization for SciPy using the following commands.
For more information, see Intel Distribution for Python.
Intel Distribution for Python: Core Anaconda* Installation with a conda* Environment Creation |
#conda env will be named idp сonda create -n idp intelpython3_core python=3.x #Please note that “x” in “python=3.x” #should signify which version of #Python* you would like to install. #For example, for Python* version #3.9: conda create -n idp #intelpython3_core python=3.9 |
Intel Distribution for Python: Full Anaconda Installation with a conda Environment Creation |
#conda env will be named idp сonda create -n idp intelpython3_full python=3.x #Please note that “x” in #“python=3.x” #should signify #which #version of #Python* you #would like #to install. #For #example, for #Python* version #3.9:conda create -n #idp intelpython3_full python=3.9 |
For more information and support, or to report any issues, see:
Intel Distribution for Python Forum
Intel® AI Analytics Toolkit Forum
Sign up and try this distribution for free using Intel® Developer Cloud for oneAPI.