Intel Innovation 2022 Day 2 Broadcast (Replay)

Watch Day 2 coverage of Intel Innovation – including keynotes by Intel CTO Greg Lavender and AI innovator Andrew Ng.




Day 2 of Intel Innovation 2022 was Wednesday, Sept. 28. The event's second day included keynotes, presentations and live coverage to build a framework for those attending remotely. Day 2 coverage includes:

Keynotes: In the first of Day 2’s keynotes, Greg Lavender, Intel’s chief technology officer, focuses attention on the open source ecosystem and stresses Intel’s role helping developers innovate and create value. A second keynote follows from Andrew Ng, founder and CEO of Landing AI.

Greg Lavender's Intel Innovation Day 2 Keynote

Andrew Ng's Intel Innovation Luminary Keynote

Before the Keynotes: Innovation Live! reviews Intel’s Day 1 presentations and previews what’s coming during Day 2’s keynote presentations. Commentary and interviews with Intel executives add context to what has been presented and what is still to come.

After the Keynotes: Innovation Live! returns to wrap up the announcements and disclosures from both days of events.