Chat with Intel on Microsoft System Center
August 11, 2010
The Intel vPro Expert Center Community will host a live open chat at noon PDT, August 12, with Intel IT pros discussing how to take advantage of Microsoft System Center to manage real and virtual PCs, and other computing devices from the data center to the pants pocket.
NY Times on the Intel, Vice Creators Project
August 6, 2010
The New York Times' Media and Advertising column looked into the reasons on why Intel is partnering with Vice on the Creators Project – the company's first global marketing effort to connect with the young and hip audience. The Creators Project is a multi-year project that showcases art and creativity made possible by technology. Artists around the world collaborate and share their work in a exhibition traveling to 5 cities and an online portal which serves as the nerve center of the project.
Intel Capital Portfolio Company HiSoft Completes IPO
August 6, 2010
Intel Capital congratulates HiSoft Technology International Limited on the completion of a successful initial public offering. Intel Capital first invested in HiSoft in 2004 with the goal of developing and fostering innovation in the IT service industry in China. In 2006, Intel Capital participated in the company's series B financing round with an investment from the Intel Capital China Technology Fund. As a portfolio company, HiSoft took advantage of the many company building services offered by Intel Capital, including attending the Intel Capital CEO Summit. HiSoft provides software outsourcing, applications development, testing and localization, and ERP consulting services to clients in US, Europe and Asia. For more information, please visit www.hisoft.com.
Intel Social Scientists on Technology and Stress
August 5, 2010
Intel and GE Bring Healthcare Home with New Company
August 2, 2010
Intel's Lisa Graff Awarded CRN Power 100
August 2, 2010
Lisa Graff, vice president of Intel's Architecture Group and general manager of Enterprise Platforms and Services Division has been honored as a one of CRN Magazine's 2010 Power 100 - this list recognizes the most powerful women of the channel. Graff helped deliver the newest generation of Intel server processors and increased the Intel server boards and system products available to the channel by more than 30%. She has proven herself as a leader through her impressive professional achievements and dedication to the channel.
Intel Wins Most Innovative Process Awards from UBM TechInsights
July 29, 2010
Intel's Graff and Mosgovoy Honored with CRN Awards
July 27, 2010
Lisa Graff, vice president of Intel's Architecture Group and general manager of the Enterprise Platforms and Services Division, and Annette Mosgovoy, director of market development of Intel's Emerging Markets Platform Group, have been selected as recipients of CRN magazine's Women of the Channel Award. The award recognizes these women, among others, for their professional achievements and impact in the technology channel. Read more here.
Intel's Genevieve Bell: Top 25 Women in Tech
July 26, 2010
Intel Fellow Genevieve Bell has been named one of AlwaysOn's "Top 25 Women in Tech to Watch" for her overall innovation and ability to identify new market opportunities. This accolade will be celebrated on Wednesday at Stanford University's " Summit at Stanford." Also recently named one of Fast Company's "Top 100 Most Creative People in Business," Bell has been one of the leading user-centered design advocates at Intel for more than a decade. She was recently appointed to lead the new Interaction and Experience Research group, which is focused on defining new user experiences and computing platforms that ultimately will help re-imagine how we will experience computing.
Key Automobile Alliance Chooses MeeGo For Cars
July 23, 2010
The Linux Foundation today announced that GENIVI, an auto-alliance driving the adoption of In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI), will adopt MeeGo as the standard software environment for IVI systems built by car companies including GENIVI members BMW and General Motors. MeeGo-based IVI devices will provide Internet-based features such as rear-seat entertainment, navigation, and entertainment, with the potential for social networking, hands-free interaction, and other multimedia. Intel also recently announced Chinese car company HawTai will adopt the Intel Atom processor for their upcoming IVI system and optimized for MeeGo.
Got A Bright Idea?
July 22, 2010
Intel is always searching for innovative uses of Intel vPro Technology. If you have one, enter a video for a chance to win $4,000 toward a trip to the 2010 Intel Developer Forum, Sep. 13-15, in San Francisco.
Intel Adds Solar Energy To Two Campuses
July 21, 2010
Intel Capital Celebrates Tenth IPO This Year
July 21, 2010
Intel Capital portfolio company CrucialTec Co., Ltd today began trading on the KOSDAQ Market Division of the Korea Exchange, becoming the tenth portfolio company IPO for Intel Capital this year. The investment in CrucialTec was announced last year at the 2009 Intel Capital CEO Summit in Huntington Beach, CA and helped the company to accelerate development of the Korean smartphone industry while supporting CrucialTec's market expansion. CrucialTec develops input solutions that use optical technology for mobile phones, smart phones and IPTV remote controllers. This is the second Intel Capital Korean portfolio company IPO to date in 2010 - Korean Rich Internet Application provider Tobesoft went public in early June.
Atom Chips Power Car Attempting 1,000 mph
July 20, 2010
Ever dreamt of a car that goes 1,000 mph - twice the speed of a commercial jet and nearly the speed of the earth's rotation? Engineers have developed the Bloodhound SSC, a jet and rocket-powered supersonic car expected to break the 1,000 mph threshold. At the heart of the design are Intel Atom-powered advanced engine controls and driver information displays that provide vital information to the driver about the condition of vehicle and performance. Check out the Bloodhound car animation video. To help educate students about the project and the science behind it, 26 Intel employees will join the Bloodhound Education Ambassadors Program.
Intel Capital Invests in Gaming Service Gaikai
July 20, 2010
Cloud-based game streaming service Gaikai Inc., today announced an investment from Intel Capital. Gaikai offers the ability to play any game instantly inside the web browser with just one click, no big game download, no game install and no patching. This frictionless server-based, cloud-gaming technology is designed to dramatically increase both reach and audience participation while bringing down acquisition costs dramatically. Gaikai will launch in the summer of 2010, with servers powered by Intel Xeon Six-Core processors and Intel Solid State Drives, running through the key nodes of the Limelight network. View the press release.
New Core i5 and i7s Shipping For Summertime Boost
July 19, 2010
Intel has released new desktop PC processors this week including the benchmark-smashing, six-core Core i7-970, which takes advantage of our robust 32 nanometer manufacturing to bring six cores and twelve threads of processing goodness to new segments. The factories are also cranking out the new quad-core, 2.8 GHz Core i5-760 processor this week. Read more about these engineering marvels.
Intel Hires Former Palm, Apple VP Mike Bell to Help Drive Smartphone Push
July 16, 2010
Intel has hired former Palm and Apple VP Mike Bell as vice president and director of Intel's smartphone product development. Bell is a seasoned technology veteran who has been part of the executive management team at Palm since 2007, most recently as the senior vice president of Product Development, where he was responsible for all aspects of product strategy, development, and deployment. Mike and his team were responsible for the Palm PRE and the Palm PIXI. Prior to his time at Palm, Mike was a vice president with Apple where he worked from 1991 to 2007 and made significant contributions to the iMac, Apple TV, and iPhone programs. Bell brings to Intel a broad range of technology experience and skills, including product development and design, hardware and software engineering and product strategy. In his new role, he will lead a team with the charter to build breakthrough Smartphone reference designs with the explicit intent of accelerating Intel Architecture into the market.
Riding a Robot? Kuka's New Robocoaster
July 16, 2010
Ever thought you'd be a passenger on a robot? Kuka's Robocoaster products simulate high-speed travel for passengers in thrilling rides such as the latest magical attractions at Universal Orlando. The robot's capabilities include hanging the unit upside down, plummeting toward the floor and swinging side to side. Scared yet? Don't be. With the sophisticated Intel-powered robot technology, riders are safe thanks to continuous electronic monitoring, while software updates ensure the ride will stay current and will become more advanced over time.
Intel Capital Portfolio Company China ITS Launches IPO
July 15, 2010
Intel Capital congratulates China ITS (Holdings) Co., Ltd. (CIC, 1900.HK) on its initial public offering (IPO) on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. This is Intel Capital's eighth portfolio company IPO and the second Chinese portfolio IPO to date in 2010. Intel Capital invested in CIC in early 2010 with the goal of supporting China's transportation infrastructure development. CIC is one of the leading Intelligent Transportation System providers in China, specializing in transportation infrastructure technology solutions and services. For more information, please visit here.
Early MeeGo Handset Code Proves Impressive
July 8, 2010
The community is buzzing today around a JavaScript test showing the upcoming MeeGo Handset user experience gut-checking competitive OS solutions. The benchmarks used the latest Firefox browser on all-Intel solution, including the prototype "Moorestown" Aava smart phone and code for the upcoming MeeGo Handset release. The Aava smart phone ran the test in 4,215ms, or about 2 seconds, while competing smart phone solutions took up to 10 seconds. Although the phone and OS are not yet available, developers can check out the MeeGo website for updates as the project move towards the MeeGo v1.1 final release, scheduled for this October.
Intel R&D - Black Boxes... for Cars
July 7, 2010
Have a read of John Quain's blog post on Intel's R&D efforts around black boxes for cars in the NY Times Automobiles/Wheels section. As Intel CTO Justin Rattner is quoted: "With new vehicles, there will very likely be video cameras inside and outside... when you combine the cameras with GPS, you're geo-tagging the video." Adding wireless Internet broadband like WiMAX and smarter, PC-like systems inside cars could bring several interesting opportunities ranging from crashes and an immediate phone call/video to emergency outlets; accident and insurance recording; improved safety studying and more.
Forbes Highlights Intel's Health Research
July 6, 2010
Study: Virtual Desktop Ownership Costs Higher Than PC
July 6, 2010
Microsoft recently published the results of a six-month total cost of ownership study of virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). The study concludes that VDI delivers value for specialized user segments such as contractors. However for offices workers in a VDI environment, the total cost of ownership was higher by 11% per user than that of a well-managed PC environment. Additionally, many workers will find the VDI user experience unsatisfactory. Microsoft recommends that organizations assess their use cases and drivers for VDI to ensure the best computing option for their users.
MeeGo Handset Code Unveiled for Developers
June 30, 2010
Today marks the next major developer milestone for the MeeGo software platform - the unveiling of the MeeGo Handset Day 1 code. This move illustrates the MeeGo project's continued commitment to open development by offering early access to code, which allows developers, operators and device manufacturers to begin planning MeeGo applications for customers. The MeeGo Handset Day 1 user experience includes a reference handset implementation that begins to show the power of the native code, coupled with powerful frameworks for handsets and other consumer devices. The MeeGo Handset Day 1 code is based on a new MeeGo Touch user interface framework and includes a set of MeeGo-compliant APIs, available for immediate download from meego.com.
Hourglass Still Spinning?
June 28, 2010
Do you hate to wait? Do any of these moments seem too familiar? If you've ever lost the chance to secure concert tickets to your favorite band's farewell tour or have ended up crammed into the middle, back row airplane seat because your technology can't keep up - you may be experiencing Hourglass Syndrome. Intel has made it a priority to take on the Hourglass and eliminate the wait for the affected by getting to the Core of the problem. Do you experience Hourglass Syndrome? Head over to Inside Scoop and share your Hourglass horror stories.
Intel Health Guide Expands Global Footprint
June 28, 2010
The Intel Health Guide is now commercially available in Italy through an expanded marketing agreement with GE Healthcare, adding to the list of countries where the remote health management solution is being used to improve chronic care management. GE Healthcare and Intel also unveiled plans today for a 12-month pilot in Central Lancashire to explore how the Intel Health Guide can help patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease manage their health at home and remain independent for longer.
Best Buy Stores to Sell Intel SSDs
June 22, 2010
Intel's award-winning solid-state drives (SSDs) will now be sold by 800 Best Buy stores nationwide, further moving SSDs toward mainstream adoption. People can select from the Intel X25-M 80 gigabyte (GB) Mainstream Solid-State Drive for $229.99 or the Intel X25-V Value 40GB SSD boot drive for $129.99. Consumers can update their new or existing PC to take advantage of the speed and performance of the Intel SSD. Read more here.
Intel Wireless Display Expands Availability
June 21, 2010
The award winning Intel Wireless Display is now available on more than 25 systems based on Intel Core i3 or Intel Core i5 processors from manufacturers like ASUS, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Samsung, Sony and Toshiba. It is now available at more than 10 retailers including Amazon, Best Buy, Dell.com, Fry's, Sony Style, OfficeMax, Tiger Direct, and more. Enhancements to Intel Wireless Display are available for download with the 1.2 software version. This enables people to access an extended display mode for watching a video on TV while surfing the Internet on the laptop. New remote only mode allows you to watch a video with a black screen on the laptop to lower glare and distractions. A new fast cursor improves navigation on the TV. Intel Wireless Display is available on select Intel Core i5 or i5 systems and requires a Push to TV adapter from Netgear.
Intel-Based, Embedded WiMAX Devices Now Available at Best Buy Stores Nationwide
June 21, 2010
Today Clearwire announced the nationwide availability of embedded 4G mobile broadband laptops and netbooks based on Intel processors in all Best Buy locations and at bestbuy.com. Now consumers will have access to expanded choices and discounted equipment offers on embedded WiMAX laptops with Intel Core and netbooks based on Intel Atom. Systems available with Clearwire's CLEAR® 4G super fast mobile Internet service include the Dell Inspiron 14, Dell Inspiron 15, Dell Mini 10, and Toshiba Satellite M645.
New Atom Processors for Entry-Level Desktop PCs Available
June 21, 2010
Entry-level desktop PCs based on the Intel Atom processors D525 and D425 with support for DDR3 memory technology are now available. Announced at Computex, the D525 dual-core processor and D425 single-core processor run at 1.80Ghz and are paired with the Intel NM10 Express Chipset. The Intel Atom processor enables low-power, affordable entry-level desktop PCs, allowing system builders the flexibility to design a variety of form factors including all-in-ones, small form factor and standard desktop PCs.
Why Stop at a Million Volunteer Hours
June 17, 2010
Major Milestone Reached for Future 4G Mobile WiMAX Plans
June 16, 2010
Today, Intel and other 4G mobile WiMAX industry leaders including Alvarion, Beceem, Clearwire, Fujitsu, GTC Semiconductor, Hitachi, Huawei, Motorola, NEC, Samsung, Sequans, UQ and ZTE submitted a proposal to the WiMAX Forum to advance the speed of data and the efficiency of broadband wireless networks. Based on the 802.16e mobile WiMAX standard, the proposal will help ensure interoperability and broad commercial availability of performance enhancements to the IEEE 802.16e mobile WiMAX standard with future WiMAX products. You can read more here.
Intel at E3, Plus SSD Giveaways
June 15, 2010
Intel vPro Ready for Microsoft PC Manager
June 14, 2010
Intel Atom Inside Electronic Voting Machine
June 11, 2010
Electronic voting machines in Brazil must be transported hundreds of miles over rugged, humid terrain. To ensure security and durability, the machines are being upgraded with Intel Atom Z5xx processors, that are built to withstand extreme conditions. These electronic ballot boxes feature many checks, balances and back-up systems to safeguard from individual voter fraud and hackers. This is just one example of the many amazing embedded applications for Intel chips. More information about Atom for embedded embedded devices is available in the Embedded Press Kit.
Smart TVs: Ready for Primetime at Connections
June 10, 2010
Intel Digital Home Group general manager of CE Retail, Wilfred Martis, will speak today at Connections, a premier digital living conference and showcase in Santa Clara. Titled, "Smart TVs: Ready for Primetime," Martis will explain how the long-foretold Smart TV Era is finally here. View the live stream at 9:00 a.m. PST or watch the replay here.
Intel's Eric Kim moving to Khosla Ventures Start-Up Soraa
June 9, 2010
Intel announced today that Eric Kim is leaving Intel to pursue a new opportunity as president and CEO of Soraa, a Khosla Ventures clean-tech company specializing in disruptive energy saving solutions. Kim joined Intel in 2004, serving as Chief Marketing Officer and head of Intel's Sales and Marketing group and later, as senior vice president and general manager of the company's Digital Home Group. He was instrumental in delivering the platforms behind Intel's entry into consumer electronics, IPTV, and cable TV market segments and securing deals that led to the recent Smart TV announcement with Sony, Google, Logitech and Best Buy. Prior to Intel, Kim was executive vice president and CMO of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Bradley Daniels, currently vice president of the Digital Home Group and director of System-On-Chip engineering for Intel, will serve as interim head of the Digital Home Group until a permanent replacement is named.
Intel® Reader Receives Silver Award of Excellence
June 9, 2010
FASTer database search from Intel, Oracle
June 8, 2010
At a leading Association of Computing Machinery conference today, researchers from Intel labs and Oracle published an award-winning paper on an innovative algorithm called FAST search that delivers a 5x improvement in compute performance for database searchers. This paper reports results comparing several architectures and includes the first research data presented for the recently announced Many Integrated Core (MIC) architecture for high performance computing. Read the Research at Intel blog to learn more about how this research will help search through the tremendous (and growing) amount of new consumer, business and scientific data online.
People's Choice Awards go to...
June 7, 2010
How Popular Is Intel Wireless Display?
June 4, 2010
It's so cool that it's the lead message in Microsoft's latest Windows 7 ad campaign. The Intel developed hardware and software built into Intel® Wireless Display on certain Intel® Core™ i5 laptops from Dell, Sony and Toshiba in the Best Buy Blue Label 2.0 program. This technology allows users to view and share content from a hard disk, home network or anywhere a browser will take you onto the biggest screen in your home. Simply connect an adapter to your TV, follow a few simple steps, and you're off and running. Set it up once, and sharing your screen is as easy as pushing a button. To find out more check out Scoop Blog.
Intel Receives Corporate Philanthropy Award
June 2, 2010
Today Intel CEO Paul Otellini is accepting an award from the Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy, an organization founded by actor-philanthropist Paul Newman. While Intel is being recognized for overall excellence in corporate philanthropy, the award highlights the Intel Teach program as Intel's most significant initiative. The Intel Teach program is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year and has trained more than seven million teachers in 60 countries on the effective use of technology in the classroom to improve learning. Get more info here.
Industry Rallies Behind MeeGo, Intel AppUp
June 1, 2010
There were a number of announcements at Computex today regarding the growing momentum behind the MeeGo open source operating system and Intel AppUpSM Center for applications. Several device manufacturers, service providers and operating system vendors (OSVs) are supporting MeeGo and the Intel AppUp Center on multiple devices, including netbooks, tablets, in-vehicle infotainment systems and Intel-powered convertible classmate PCs. Get more information on the ecosystem support for MeeGo and the Intel AppUp Center. Also view industy comments in support of MeeGo.
MeeGo Early Look Impresses
May 28, 2010
Engadget has an early opinion, video link and some 50+ comments around MeeGo 1.0's project release. Take a look at it here.
Server Consolidation Earns Teradata a $250,000 Energy Efficiency Incentive Grant
May 28, 2010
Less is more for San Diego-based Teradata, which replaced 319 servers (and 500 CRTs) in 2009, using virtualization to consolidate the servers' workloads onto 16 Intel® Xeon® 5500-based servers. Teradata also replaced thousands of fluorescent lamps with high-efficiency ones and upgraded its heating/cooling systems. The company trimmed its annual energy usage by 6,619 kWh, earning it a $250,000 check from San Diego Gas & Electric's energy efficiency incentive program.
MeeGo v1.0 Now Available for Developers
May 27, 2010
The first release of MeeGo v1.0 is available for download at MeeGo.com to the developer community. MeeGo v1.0 delivers a wealth of Internet, computing and communication features with rich graphics, multi-tasking capabilities and Google Chrome browser integration. This release delivers on MeeGo's commitment to combine the best core architecture features of Nokia's Maemo and Intel's Moblin™ projects. Manufacturers and operating system vendors can use this release to create and customize netbooks or begin work on development for other devices including netbooks and entry-level desktops, smartphones, in-vehicle infotainment devices, connected TVs, media phones and more. More information on MeeGo v1.0 can be found here.
Sand To Silicon (with High-k) in Pictures
May 27, 2010
This new set of 41 images illustrates the process of manufacturing a silicon chip which operates in every PC today using Intel’s latest 32nm, High-K/Metal Gate technology. You can catch a glimpse of some of the amazingly sophisticated work going on daily inside Intel's cutting-edge silicon manufacturing fabs.
Intel Mind Reading Technology in Jimmy Fallon Late Night Show
May 25, 2010
Best Ideas Yet to Come: Intel Challenges Entrepreneurs
May 25, 2010
To fuel innovation and prime new entrepreneurs for success, Intel CEO Paul Otellini announced the Intel Challenge, which awards university students funding to turn business plans into real ventures. Otellini announced this initiative during his keynote at the World Congress on IT in Amsterdam, where he also asserted that investments in IT will accelerate our global economy. More info here.
The Power of 32
May 24, 2010
Ultra Thin Laptops Do's and Don'ts
May 24, 2010
Ultra Thin Laptops Get Smarter and Faster
May 24, 2010
Smart TV From Intel, Google, Sony, Logitech
May 20, 2010
Andy Grove and New Medical Degree
May 20, 2010
The Wall Street Journal has written about a new initiative begun by Andy Grove with two leading Bay Area universities in medical research and engineering. Responding to Andy's challenge, UC San Francisco is collaborating with the University of California at Berkeley to offer a two-year master's degree in "translational medicine," the discipline of transferring lab breakthroughs to the marketplace. The MBA-style program, which Andy helped establish with a $1.5 million donation, will target students from both medical and high-tech fields. The program begins this fall. The newspaper interviewed Andy and Dr. Sue Desmond-Hellmann, chancellor of UCSF formerly of Genentech, about the program and their motivations for the effort.
CBS Interactive Features Intel's Futuristic Digital Sign
May 20, 2010
Intel, Regis and Kelly, Classmate PCs
May 19, 2010
Today, Intel is celebrating Live! With Regis and Kelly's "Top Teacher Week" by providing a deserving teacher and his students with 30 Intel powered M&A Companion Touch PCs loaded with interactive educational software. Part of the Intel Learning Series, the classmate PC design comes with special features for students in mind, and is rugged, water resistant and kid-friendly. Not only does the classmate PC design help provide a rich, interactive, fun learning experience for kids, but it also gives teachers new tools to engage students and enhance the classroom environment. Find out more.
25nm NAND Flash Shipping to Customers
May 18, 2010

Intel announced today that Intel-Micron Flash Technologies are in mass production of their breakthrough 25-nanometer (nm) NAND flash memory and Intel is shipping in volume to customers. Announced in February, IMFT was the first to sample, and now to ship in production, 25nm NAND using the world's smallest, most advanced manufacturing process technology. The 8 gigabyte (GB) 25nm NAND flash memory chip measures just 167mm 2 and can hold up to 2,000 songs, 7,000 photos or 8 hours of video. NAND Flash memory is used in USB memory keys and SD cards for data storage in digital camcorders and cameras, as well as in smart phones, personal music players and solid-state drives.
Intel's New Atom Goes Lower Power
May 5, 2010

Intel's new Atom platform brings a significant 50x power reduction for greater battery life and smaller devices while delivering high performance. For handhelds, these low power benefits translate into >10 days standby, up to 2 days audio and 4-5 hours of browsing/video battery life. The Atom chips are designed for a range of consumer devices, including high-end smartphones and tablets, and offer a choice of operating systems and wireless networks. The chips bring a PC-like experience with fast Internet, multi-tasking, full 1080 HD video, 3-D graphics and voice calling capabilities. Get more info here.
Reader's Digest Ranks Intel in Top 25
May 4, 2010
Morgan Stanley: Intel Begins to Meet Smartphone Power Budget
May 4, 2010
In a May 3 report, Morgan Stanley Research highlights that the "basis of competition will continue to shift away from basic phone/voice capabilities toward various compute functions, including graphics, video, and audio, requiring increasing wireless internet data bandwidth. Consequently, our view is that the basis of competition will shift increasingly toward ability to handle compute functions – an area of strength for Intel." The report goes on to highlight Intel's "Moorestown" platform and says that "with Moorestown, Intel will finally start to meet the power budget for Smartphones." Read the complete report.
Parallel Toolkit Gains Visual Studio Support
May 4, 2010
Today, Intel released Intel® Threading Building Blocks (TBB) 3.0, a high-level parallel programming toolkit that helps software developers take advantage of multicore processors. This update includes enhanced support for the recently-released Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and introduces numerous performance and feature improvements that give developers access to cross-platform capabilities. Intel TBB has seen wide industry adoption among independent software vendors, including Adobe Systems which has incorporated it into several of its Creative Suite 5 software applications. The functionalities Intel TBB introduces to Creative Suite 5 help Adobe customers create, deliver and optimize high-impact digital content. Intel TBB is available for open source and commercial operating systems.
Intel, Microsoft Digital Signage Platform Here
May 3, 2010
Intel Capital Announces Three Investments
May 3, 2010
Intel Capital today announced three U.S.-based investments totaling approximately $15 million. The deals include eldercare website Caring.com, real estate investment ratings provider SmartZip Analytics and infrastructure services provider Virtustream. Funding for the investments comes from the $200 million Intel Capital Invest in America Technology Fund. Announced in February, the fund invests in U.S.-based growth-oriented industries to foster economic recovery and growth, and to anchor the nation's competitiveness on the global stage. For more information on the investments view the press release here.
Intel SSDs Inside--Pianos?
April 30, 2010

Austin,Texas-based Waskul Entertainment created a unique solid-state drive (SSD) demo at the recent National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) show featuring a Yamaha Disklavier™ recording piano, Intel® X25-M Mainstream SATA SSD and live performance by acclaimed pianist and vocalist Sarah Thiele. The Intel SSD replaced a traditional hard disk drive (HDD) to record double the amount of music in a noise-free environment, critical to studio recording. Because an SSD runs cooler than an HDD, it also helped better protect the wooden sound board contained within the piano.
Intel Engineers win Design Award
April 28, 2010
The team that designed the current Intel® Core™ family of processors has been awarded the EETimes ACE award for best design team. First available in November 2008, this industry leading microarchitecture represents a big step forward in faster, multi-core technology that intelligently maximizes performance to match software workloads. Designed to take advantage of advances in 45nm hafnium-based hi-k metal gate transistors, Nehalem-based products unleash energy-efficient parallel processing performance.
Intel Inspires Educators to Tell Their Stories
April 28, 2010
In celebration of 10 years of Intel® Teach in the US, Intel launched a contest for Inspiring Educators to share their stories of how Intel Teach has impacted their students' learning, changed their teaching and helped them effectively integrate technology into the curriculum. This week, the 20 most Inspiring Educators were selected to join Intel at its Intel Teach 10 year celebration at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) conference. We're highlighting these amazing educators' stories on Inspire all this week – come check them out and share your stories too!
Connect This! Embedded Internet Challenge Winners Announced
April 22, 2010
Intel Capital Leads Investment in eflow
April 22, 2010
Japanese provider of embedded middleware and networked application solutions eflow Inc. today announced that it has received funding from Intel Capital. The investment will be used to accelerate eflow's businesses for a wide variety of Internet devices powered by Intel® Atom™ processors and other Intel chips, including TVs and vehicle navigation systems. eflow also will work together with Intel to expand its overseas businesses in embedded solutions for consumers. The company has a proven track record developing Java* technologies for next generation networking (NGN) infrastructure and browser technologies for multi-function peripherals and set-top boxes, and is involved in efforts to develop middleware for promising platforms such as Skype*, MeeGo, and Android*. View press release here.
IDF Day 2: Car, Telecom and Energy News
April 13, 2010
During his keynote at the Intel Developer Forum in Beijing, Intel Vice President Doug Davis discussed the latest Intel system-on-chip products for embedded applications, and highlighted the company's work with Chinese customers including HawTai, a car maker, and China Mobile, the world's largest wireless telecommunications company. Justin Rattner, Intel CTO, also took the stage to describe new research that will allow homes and small businesses to better use and manage energy. For more information, please visit the Intel Press Room and view the press release.
Linux Foundation Highlights Growing MeeGo Software Ecosystem
April 12, 2010
The Linux Foundation today announced over 25 companies, including Acer, ASUS, BMW Group, Cisco, EA Mobile, Novell, and Wind River have pledged their support and interest in the MeeGo project. MeeGo, which merges Intel's Moblin and Nokia's Maemo Linux-based platform, is an open source software platform for the next generation of computing devices. This participation translates into millions of developer hours dedicated to cross-device compatibility, application portability and the user experience for MeeGo-based devices. Contributors are attracted to MeeGo because it extends reach beyond just netbooks and smartphones to also include communications devices, in-vehicle infotainment devices, connected TVs, media phones and more.
Intel Joins Next-generation WiMAX Initiative
April 11, 2010
Today, WiMAX ecosystem players including Intel, Alvarion, Beceem, GCT, Motorola, Samsung, Sequans and ZTE announced an initiative focused on accelerating interoperability for the next generation of WiMAX technology, WiMAX 2. Based on the IEEE 802.16m standard, WiMAX 2 builds on the existing 802.16e infrastructure, adding new features, while maintaining backwards compatibility. The technology also meets the International Telecommunications Union requirements for 4G, delivering higher system capacity at peak rates of more than 300 Mbps, lower latency and increased VoIP. These performance gains will help enable WiMAX operators to keep up with the explosive demand for mobile broadband data as media applications become more rich and interactive.
Case of the Vanishing Laptop
April 7, 2010
Aberdeen Group has determined that for every 100 laptop PCs companies issue, 15 will never be seen again. According to " Laptop Lost or Stolen? Five Questions to Ask and Answer," cosponsored by Intel, five will be lost or stolen (one recovered) and 11 will simply vanish, leaving companies stuck for millions of dollars in compromised data alone.
Intel is Taking on Hourglass Syndrome
April 1, 2010
Waiting for your technology to keep up with you is a life stress no one wants to deal with. At Intel, we've dubbed this condition " Hourglass Syndrome" and we're hoping that this April, National Stress Awareness Month, to bring light to it. Do you suffer? You can find out here. And to help alleviate the stress, enter to win a new Intel Core i5 Wireless Display laptop on the Intel Facebook page. Smarter technology is one great solution.
Vote: Intel Science Talent Search People's Choice Awards
March 29, 2010
Forty brilliant high school students from 18 states gathered in Washington D.C. to compete for top prizes at the Intel Science Talent Search this month. Now, here's your chance to vote for your favorite project and help three students win prizes through a People's Choice Awards Contest being held on Inspire, Intel's online social community for people who care about education. Voting runs until March 31st.
Intel Capital Invests US$23 Million in India
March 25, 2010
Intel Capital today detailed plans to invest US$23 million in three Indian technology companies. The deals include July Systems, a provider of mobile Internet solutions that enable media brands to publish, distribute, monetize inventory and personalize services for consumers; KLG Systel, a provider of smart grid, energy management and efficiency solutions to power utilities and end-users; and MCX, a leading commodity futures electronic exchange in India. Individual investment amounts were not disclosed. Funding will come from the US$250 million Intel Capital India Technology Fund established in December 2005. Since 1998, Intel Capital has invested more than US$200 million in Indian technology companies across 10 cities. For more information on the investments view the press release.
Intel AppUp Center Adds Open Source Apps, Expands to Europe
March 25, 2010
Intel today introduced Intel AppUpSM Center Beta for Moblin v2.1-based netbooks in the U.S. and Canada. Intel AppUp Center offers a wide range of applications, spanning games, entertainment and social media apps that are optimized for the netbook's mobility and screen size. Additionally, Intel announced the Intel AppUp Center Beta for Windows and Moblin v2.1 will become available in 27 European countries on March 31. The expansion into Europe gives application developers in the Intel® Atom™ Developer Program an opportunity to reach consumers in one of the top markets for netbooks worldwide and complete transactions in USD, Euros or GBP. Future updates to the Intel AppUp Center will support the MeeGo software platform and smartphones, consumer electronics and additional devices.
AT&T and OpenPeak Announce Tablet PC With Atom Chip
March 24, 2010
AT&T and OpenPeak announced a powerful, multipurpose computing tablet device ideal for the home and on the go equipped with AT&T mobile broadband wireless service. The thin, elegant device, based on OpenPeak's ultra-sleek OpenTablet™ touch-screen design, will combine communications, entertainment and home management capabilities, and will be available nationwide via multiple retail distribution channels expected later this year. The OpenTablet is based on Intel's next generation Atom handheld platform, codenamed " Moorestown," which delivers outstanding performance at low power. Moorestown is scheduled for introduction in the first half of this year. Get more information on today's announcement.
Intel Now Inside New Employee Fitness Center
March 24, 2010
Microsoft Discusses Desktop Virtualization
March 24, 2010
Microsoft, which along with Intel and others is helping shape the advantages of desktop virtualization, discussed the hot topic recently with Citrix, customers and an industry expert. The group provides insight to companies that are trying evaluate the variety of options to meet their particular situations.
Intel: Smarter Unexpected Devices
March 23, 2010
Preliminary 2010 Proxy Statement Filed with SEC
March 22, 2010
A preliminary version of Intel's 2010 Proxy Statement was filed with the SEC and is available on the SEC Website today. Following SEC review Intel plans to publish and distribute the definitive version of the Proxy Statement along with the 2009 Annual Report to Stockholders. (Note: The preliminary document is not intended as a solicitation of proxy voting authority; that will come with the definitive document.) Separately, Intel noted in SEC filings that John Thornton, a director since 2003, has decided not stand for re-election to the Intel Board of Directors at the upcoming Annual Stockholders' Meeting. The Intel Board currently has 11 members, and with Mr. Thornton's retirement the Board will be composed of 10 members following the Annual Meeting.
SGI Announces Servers Based on Intel's New Xeon 5600 Series
March 17, 2010
It's Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Bot
March 17, 2010
We'd guess that this spider-bot would have a leg up over your vacuum in a cage fight. A student from the University of Arizona has created an Intel Atom processor-based spider robot that is able to self-adjust to move straight forward without pre-programmed walking algorithms. For more information about this embedded application, see the video demonstration of the robot or visit the Intel hexapod robot page.
Server-related Products Accelerate Channel Transition to New Xeons
March 17, 2010
Intel® Server Products featuring the Intel® Xeon® processor 5600 series deliver industry-leading performance with maximum energy efficiency and lower hardware refresh costs. All currently shipping Intel® Server Boards and Systems that support the previous generation Intel Xeon Processor 5500 series also support the new Intel Xeon Processor 5600 Series to help resellers gain business during the transition. Businesses of all sizes benefit from this product portfolio. Get more information on Intel Server Products that support the new Intel Xeon Processor 5600 Series.
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