When Real Time ISP is enabled, by default ISP Clamp should be skipped where the new design will take effect after a power cycle. However due to a bug in the MAX® II and MAX® V device JAM/JBC file programming algorithm in Quartus® Prime programmer, when using Real Time ISP with ISP Clamp feature together, the ISP Clamp is performed and the new design starts to function. immediately.
You can enable the DO_DISABLE_ISP_CLAMP procedure when executing JAM or JBC file, to bypass the ISP Clamp and perform the Real Time ISP operation.
If using the quartus_jli executable, the command would be:
> quartus_jli -aprogram -eDO_DISABLE_ISP_CLAMP -eDO_REAL_TIME_ISP <filename>.jam/.jbc
If using the JAM STAPL player, the command would be:
> jam -aprogram -dDO_DISABLE_ISP_CLAMP=1 -dDO_REAL_TIME_ISP=1 <filename>.jam
If using the JAM Byte Code player, the command would be:
> jbi -aprogram -dDO_DISABLE_ISP_CLAMP=1 -dDO_REAL_TIME_ISP=1 <filename>.jbc
This issue is scheduled to be fixed in a future version of the Quartus® Prime software.