Due to a problem in the Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator (PTC) version 21.2 and earlier, you might see the transceiver Die ID had an invalid import value of HSSI_0_1 field defaulted to a value of HSSI_0_0 when importing .qptc file.
The Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator (PTC) version 21.2 for Intel Agilex® 7 will produce an error message for importing the .qptc file.
The input field "XCVR Die ID" had an invalid import value of "HSSI_0_1". The field was defaulted to a value of "HSSI_0_0" instead.
To work around this problem, correct the setting manually by setting the field values to HSSI_0_1 where appropriate.
This problem is fixed starting with the Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator (PTC) of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 21.3.