Current documentation does not define all the SPI signals routed from HPS block to the FPGA block within Cyclone® V SoC and Arria® V SoC devices.
spim0_txd // 1 bit of output data
spim0_rxd //1 bit of input data
spim0_ss_in_n // In master mode this signal can be used to indicate master contention on the bus.
// You can tie it high, if this function is not used
spim0_ss_oe_n // 1 bit of data enable - use it to tri-state the txd bus
spim0_ss_0_n // slave select output
spim0_ss_1_n // slave select output
spim0_ss_2_n // slave select output
spim0_ss_3_n // slave select output
This information will be updated in a future release of the device handbook.