Intel® Arria® 10 FPGA 10AX115 initial production device with date code 1625 (YYWW) and earlier is expected to come with IDCODE of 32b'00000010111000000110000011011101 (0x02E060DD).
Intel Arria 10 FPGA 10AX115 production device with date code starting 1707 (YYWW) and onward is expected to come with IDCODE of 32b'00000010111001100110000011011101 (0x02E660DD).
Intel Arria 10 10AX115 production device with date code between date code 1625 and 1707 (YYWW) may carry a mix of both IDCODEs
Do note that there is no functionality impact on the production device with both IDCODE above.