The 14.1 version of the External Memory Interface Handbook states in the Volume 2 Chapter 3 section: Additional Notes About Parameterizing Arria 10 EMIF IP for HPS, that the EMIF Debug Toolkit is not supported.
Support for debugging Arria 10 HPS EMIF IP with the Quartus® II EMIF Debug Toolkit is planned for a future release of the Quartus II software.
Before this is available, the recommended approach to debug an HPS EMIF interface is :
- Create an example design project for the equivalent FPGA EMIF interface to the same pinout.
- Use the Quartus II EMIF Debug Toolkit to debug the interface.
- If the interface passes calibration but still doesn\'t work with the HPS, focus the debug on the HPS operation and its connectivity to the FPGA hard EMIF IP.