Due to incorrect address mapping of the router logic generated by the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Platform Designer tool, the Intel® Stratix® 10 PCIe* Avalon®-MM Hard IP with External descriptor controller example design will hang when more than 8 descriptors are programmed.
To work around this problem, manually correct the RTL files generated by the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Platform Designer tool:
1. Search *altera_merlin_router*.sv under the project workspace and find the files shown below:
../altera_merlin_router_xxx/sim/altera_merlin_router_xxx (simulation flow)
../altera_merlin_router_xxx/syn/altera_merlin_router_xxx (implementation flow)
2. Open each file to confirm if the following lines exist, then modify them accordingly:
Original lines should be:
// Figure out the number of bits to mask off for each slave span
// during address decoding
localparam PAD0 = log2ceil(64'h2000 - 64'h0);
localparam PAD1 = log2ceil(64'h1000100 - 64'h1000000);
localparam PAD2 =log2ceil(64'h1002100 - 64'h1002000);
Change to:
// Figure out the number of bits to mask off for each slave span
// during address decoding
localparam PAD0 = log2ceil(64'h2000 - 64'h0);
localparam PAD1 = log2ceil(64'h1001000 - 64'h1000000);
localparam PAD2 = log2ceil(64'h1003000 - 64'h1002000);
3. Run the simulation or compilation flow again.