Error (12179): Instance "<instance name>" is not bound to a single entity in a specific library. Associate the specified instance with a single entity in a specific library. Ensure that each IP core in your design is compiled into its own library and that the .qsf refers only to .qip files, not any files listed in the .qip file
Due to a problem in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software, you may see this error message when compiling multiple IPs for an Intel Arria® 10 device. Different IPs in Intel Arria 10 devices may have common module names which could lead to the error. Even though, each module is directed to be compiled in its own library in the .qip file, quartus_map ignores the command and compiles everything in one library.
To work around this problem, comment out the common file in one of the .qip files or use the Intel Quartus Prime Pro edition software.