Due to a problem in the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software version 16.1.2 and earlier you may see different Fatal Error message below in the early stage of the fitter for Arria® 10 devices,
For Linux
*** Fatal Error: Segment Violation at 0x30000611f
Module: quartus_fit
Stack Trace:
0xd8002: std::_Rb_tree<CDB_ATOM_NODE*, CDB_ATOM_NODE*, std::_Identity<CDB_ATOM_NODE*>, std::less<CDB_ATOM_NODE*>, std::allocator<CDB_ATOM_NODE*>
For windows
*** Fatal Error: Access Violation at 0X000007FEC44D7D56
Module: quartus_fit.exe
Stack Trace:
0x57d55: HSSI_FPLAN_CHANNEL::~HSSI_FPLAN_CHANNEL 0xa5 (periph_hssi)
There are no workarounds in the Quartus Prime software version 16.1.2 and earlier.
This problem is fixed beginning with the Quartus Prime software version 17.0.