Programmable PPM Detector values of /-500 PPM and /-1000 PPM are no longer available in ALTGX Megawizard™ for Cyclone® IV GX devices, because they are unsupported values. If you had selected these values in Quartus® II 10.0 or earlier software versions and compiled the design in 10.0 SP1, you’ll get the following error messages.
Error: RX PMA element 'receive_pma0' has an illegal PPMSELECT parameter setting of 32
Info: "0 to 15" is a legal range
Info: "17 to 31" is a legal range
Info: "33 to 63" is a legal range
It is recommended to re-evaluate the current system design that is using the unsupported options by selecting the supported Programmable PPM Detector option, which is from /-62.5 PPM to /-300 PPM. The unsupported options may cause the link failure when the PPM difference between the receiver input reference clock and the upstream transmitter reference clock is /-500PPM or /-1000PPM.