In some Arria GX PCIe development kits (production release), the factory pre-installed programming file (.pof) may not be the one for running the PCIe high performance reference design. Therefore, when the user plugs the board into a PCIe slot, the PCIe link will not come up.
The user can fix this by:
Place the board on the desk
Plug in the provided power supply
Plug together the USB-Blaster™ and USB cord from the computer to the JTAG header, J6
Power on the unit
Start Quartus® II
Select Tools > Programmer in the Quartus® II window
Select Auto Detect
Press the CONFIG switch, S5 to get the Auto Detect to work
Select the EPM570 then right click on it
Select Change File
Browse to <install path>Examples\Getting_Started\Programming Files and select pfl_3fe.pof
Select the CFI_512MB then right click on it
Select Change File
Browse to <install path>Examples\Getting_Started\Programming Files and select top_x4_comp_3fe.pof
In the programmer select Program/Configure for CFM, UFM, Page 0 and OPTION_BITS
Select Start, here you need to press the CONFIG switch when the programmer messages says "Info: Device 1 silicon ID is not ready - waiting for pfl_flash_access_granted to be asserted"
When the programmer is done the board is ready to insert in the system and will operate with the GUI program as in the Getting Started User Guide.