Due to a problem in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 19.4 you may see a blank window after loading the design .sof in the "toolkit explorer", even though you can validate that the JTAG connection is established.
This problem is fixed in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 20.1.
To work around this problem in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 19.4, follow these steps:
- Copy the Intel Quartus Prime installation – Debug toolkit tcl packages into your local project directory
- Update the files (intel_pcie_ptile_avst_toolkit.tcl for Avalon® streaming designs, intel_pcie_ptile_avmm_toolkit.tcl for Avalon® memory mapped designs) in the toolkit tcl package to reflect the correct Intel Quartus Prime (19.4) and IP (1.1.0) versions
- Open system console with option to search the toolkit path from the local directory containing the updated files using the following commands from the cmd prompt:
\syscon\bin\system-console.exe --toolkit_search_path=\**\* - Once the system console window opens, load the design to see the toolkit explorer window populates the DUT