Due to a problem in the Quartus® II software version 15.0, you may see the following warning even though Intel® Arria® 10 Part 3 is not a selectable option.
Arria 10 Part 1 requires Arria 10 Part 2, Arria 10 Part 3. Please make sure the required components are selected.
This problem occurs when the Intel® Arria® 10 Part 3 Quartus II Device file (.qdz) has been unzipped into a different folder from the Intel® Arria® 10 Part 1 and Arria® 10 Part 2 .qdz files.
To work around this problem, ensure all 3 Intel® Arria® 10 .qdz files are in the same folder.
This problem is fixed in Intel® Quartus® II software 15.1.