The examples provided in the "Creating Flash Files Using the Nios® II EDS" section of the Stratix® V GX FPGA Development Kit User Guide are incorrect. They use an incorrect address for user hardware 1.
The Address Range given for User hardware 1 in Table A-1 Byte Address Flash Memory Map is:
0x020C.0000 to 0x0413.FFFF
Use the following commands to generate flash files correctly:
For .sof files:
sof2flash --input=<yourfile>_hw.sof --output=<yourfile>_hw.flash --offset=0x020C0000
--pfl --optionbit=0x00030000 --programmingmode=PSr
For .elf files:
elf2flash --base=0x0 --end=0x0FFFFFFF --reset=0x071C0000 --input=<yourfile>_sw.elf