Article ID: 000075707 Content Type: Product Information & Documentation Last Reviewed: 02/13/2006

How do I make hierarchical clock assignments for Stratix devices in the LeonardoSpectrum™ tool?</P>


Description The Quartus® II software supports three types of hierarchical clocks for Stratix devices: regional, fast regional, and dedicated global clocks. The LeonardoSpectrum software only supports the global buffer for clock assignments, which will only make an assignment to a dedicated global clock resource during place and route in the Quartus II software. (The global buffer will never become an assignment to a regional or fast regional clock.)

Your LeonardoSpectrum design can take advantage of any of the other available Stratix hierarchical clocking options. You must make these assignments in the Quartus II software's Assignment Organizer.

If you use more global buffers in your LeonardoSpectrum design than dedicated global clocks in Stratix devices, you will get the following warning message in the Quartus II software during place and route:

Ignored Global Signal assignment for (signal name). Use the Assignment Organizer if you want to use available Regional Clocks or Fast Regional Clocks.

You will not get a warning in LeonardoSpectrum about using too many global signal assignments using the global buffers.

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