Critical Issue
Are there any known problems with the register settings contained in the ‘c3_reconfig.c’ file generated by the E-tile Hard IP Dynamic Reconfiguration Design Example for Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA operating in the “25G Ethernet to CPRI Protocol” , "10G/25G Ethernet Protocol" or the “CPRI Protocol” modes?
Yes. Due to a problem in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software versions 20.3 and earlier, the ‘c3_reconfig.c’ file generated by the E-tile Hard IP Dynamic Reconfiguration Design Example Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA operating in the “25G Ethernet to CPRI Protocol”, "10G/25G Ethernet Protocol" or “CPRI Protocol” modes contains incorrect register writes to transceiver register address 0x30E, bit [7]. These writes can be found in the following functions:
“25G Ethernet to CPRI Protocol”
• c3_ehiplane_rcfg_25gptpfec_to_9p8gcpri
• c3_ehiplane_rcfg_25gptpfec_to_4p9gcpri
• c3_ehiplane_rcfg_25gptpfec_to_2p4gcpri
• c3_ehiplane_rcfg_10gcpri_to_9p8gcpri
“10G/25G Ethernet Protocol”
• c3_ehiplane_rcfg_25gptpfec_to_1gptp
• c3_ehiplane_rcfg_10gptp_to_1gptp
• c3_ehiplane_rcfg_25gptpnofec_to_1gptp
“CPRI Protocol”
• c3_cpriphy_rcfg_grp_a_to_grp_b
• c3_cpriphy_rcfg_grp_a_to_grp_c
Within each of these functions, the following register accesses are incorrect:
rdata0 = IORD(xcvr_base_addr, 0x30E);
wdata = (rdata0 & 0xFFFFFF7F) | 0x80;
IOWR(xcvr_base_addr, 0x30E, wdata);
To work around this problem, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to the “/software/dynamic_reconfiguration_hardware/” directory.
- Open the ‘c3_reconfig.c’ file.
- Locate the functions cited in the description above.
- Comment out the following (3) sections of the code:
rdata0 = IORD(xcvr_base_addr, 0x30E);
wdata = (rdata0 & 0xFFFFFF7F) | 0x80;
IOWR(xcvr_base_addr, 0x30E, wdata);
- Save the ‘c3_reconfig.c’ file.
- Re-build the Nios software project to obtain a new .elf file.