Due to a known problem in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Software, data read failures might occur when using the On Chip Flash IP to read User Flash Memory (UFM) in Intel® MAX® 10 devices.
To work around this, modify the altera_onchip_flash_avmm_data_controller.v file as shown below. This file can be found in the following location <Quartus installation folder>\ip\altera\altera_onchip_flash\altera_onchip_flash\altera_onchip_flash_avmm_data_controller.v
assign flash_read_addr = (is_read_busy) ? flash_seq_read_ardin : avmm_addr;
assign flash_read_addr = avmm_addr; // (is_read_busy) ? flash_seq_read_ardin : avmm_addr;
This problem will be fixed in a future version of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Software.