Due to a problem in the Quartus® II Software version 13.1, errors may be seen when simulating the VHDL PCI Express Qsys example design using the autogenerated simulation scripts for the Synopsys VCS_MX tools.
You may see one of the following errors:
Error-[MPD] Module previously declared
The module was previously declared at:
It is redeclared later at:
Error-[URMI] Unresolved modules
./../..//pcie_de_gen1_x4_ast64_tb/simulation/submodules/altpcietb_bfm_top_rp.v, 454
"altpcietb_bfm_log_common bfm_log_common( .dummy_out (bfm_log_common_dummy_out));"
Module definition of above instance is not found in the design.
To workaround this problem in the Quartus® II Software version 13.1 follow the steps below:
Open the generated simulation script <path>/testbench/simulation/vcsmx/vcsmx_setup.sh in a text editor
Update USER_DEFINED_ELAB_OPTIONS to add in the required library include path: USER_DEFINED_ELAB_OPTIONS="-y ../../<design name>_tb/simulation/submodules/"
Open the following file in a text editor: <path>/testbench/<design name>_tb/simulation/submodules/altpcietb_bfm_rp_gen2_x8.v
Locate the duplicate module definition by searching for module altpcietb_bfm_log_common and comment out the second instance (Lines 888-1247)
Re-run the simulation script ./vcsmx_setup.sh
This problem is fixed starting with the Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Software version 14.0.