Critical Issue
Quartus II Incremental Compilation in the Quartus II software version 11.0 has some limitations regarding the merging and processing of high-speed serial interface (HSSI) atoms. Placing transceivers from different partitions into the same triplet requires the transceivers to share reconfiguration logic. Partition legality checks prevent the Fitter from merging that reconfiguration logic if the device has enough transceiver locations available, the Fitter can use a second triplet; however, if not enough locations are available, the lack of triplets can cause a no-fit with the following error:
Error: Partition assignments may be preventing transceiver
placement-transceiver optimizations across partitions are not supported
in this version of the Quartus II software.
Remove or modify partition assignments on hierarchies containing transceiver logic so that the transceivers and reconfiguration logic that should be placed in the same triplet are in the same partition.