How to resolve AP connection issues to the EPC in older versions of SW
Unable to see the Access Points (AP) that is connected to the LTE core. This results in the LTE portion of the system being non-functional.
- Copy file mec-ipsec-updown from SW versions 5.3.2 to the sever with 5.0.2 SW and replace the file in /usr/local/sbin/
- Reboot the server.
- Run command sudo iptables -t nat -S to verify the POSTROUTING's have cleared.
- Verify the AP's are now connecting.
- Delete the current sgwu by using the controller UI.
- Re-deploy sgwu by using the controller UI.
- Reboot the server.
If older versions of Smart Edge SW and Quortus SW are being used, then there may be some routing issues for the LTE application. This causes the AP's to fail connecting to the EPC which then prevents LTE operation.