Article ID: 000074066 Content Type: Install & Setup Last Reviewed: 02/08/2022

How to install the Windows* Subsystem for Linux* (WSL) on Windows* OS?


  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition
  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition
  • Nios® II Processor
  • All


    Starting with the Nios® II EDS in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 19.2 and Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Software version 19.1, the Cygwin component in the Windows* version of Nios II EDS has been removed and replaced with WSL.


    The procedure for installing WSL is:

    1. Follow standard instructions from Microsoft® to install Ubuntu* 18.04 LTS for WSL. Refer to The recommended OS would be Windows* 10 build version 16215.0 or higher. NIOS II currently does not support WSL 2.   Remember: In Windows Features, ensure to turn on the Windows Subsystem for Linux option.
    2. After the installation is successful, launch the Ubuntu 18.04 app.
    3. Install the additional distro packages that are required for Nios® II EDS using the following commands:

     a. sudo apt update

     b. sudo apt install wsl

     c. sudo apt install dos2unix

     d. sudo apt install make  

     e. sudo apt install build-essential


    1. Ensure that all package dependencies, repositories lists, and Internet connections for WSL are set correctly.

    2.  For Nios II Command Shell, launch the Windows executables of the command line tools by adding ".exe" (for example eclipse-nios2.exe or jtagconfig.exe). 

    3. Nios II BSP and application projects from the previous Intel Quartus Prime release are not compatible with the WSL solution. You are required to regenerate your projects.

    This information now included in the  Nios II Software Developer Handbook

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