Article ID: 000079537 Content Type: Product Information & Documentation Last Reviewed: 08/05/2013

How do I program a device when running the Quartus II software on a virtual machine?


Description If you run the Quartus® II software from a virtual machine (VM), you may experience difficulty programming devices. For example, your virtual machine may be able to recognize your programming cable, but be unable to scan for devices.

To avoid this problem, establish a remote connection from the VM to the host machine by performing the following steps:

  1. Before launching the VM, open the Quartus II Programmer on the host machine
  2. Configure a local JTAG server on the host machine
  3. Launch the VM and open the Quartus II Programmer
  4. Add the host machine as a remote JTAG server

Refer to Using the JTAG Server in Quartus II Help for details on configuring a local JTAG server or connecting to a remote JTAG server.

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