Article ID: 000086589 Content Type: Product Information & Documentation Last Reviewed: 04/24/2023

How can I use command line to erase a QSPI flash memory connected to the Active Serial interface of Intel® FPGA devices?


  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition
  • Generic Component

    You can use command line to erase a QSPI flash memory connected to the Active Serial interface of Intel® FPGA devices by following the steps below:



    1) Create a JIC file for your QSPI device with Programming File Generator or Converting Programming Files tool in Intel® Quartus® Prime software.

    2) Open a NIOSII command shell and change directory to: <Quartus_install_directory>/<version>/<quartus>/bin64/

    3) Launch command: quartus_pgm -c <programming cable number> -mjtag -o ri;<name of the jic file>.jic

    The ri operation is responsible for configuring a serial flash loader / helper image into the target FPGA and then erasing the QSPI memory. 

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