Debugging with System Console Over TCP/IP



This design example consists of both hardware and software. The hardware section consists of the Nios® II Ethernet Standard Hardware Design Example that has an on-chip memory SOPC Builder component added for the Nios II Embedded Evaluation Kit (NEEK) version. The SCTCP software, on the other hand, supports the debug of your custom SOPC Builder component with the System Console over a TCP/IP communication channel. The AN 624: Debugging with System Console over TCP/IP (PDF) application note describes the SCTCP software.

The SCTCP software reads System Console commands from a TCP/IP socket and converts them from their original Avalon® Streaming (Avalon‑ST) packet protocol format to the appropriate Avalon® Memory‑Mapped (Avalon‑MM) commands. From there, the software can pass those commands to any Avalon‑MM slave component in the SOPC Builder system. The software then converts the Avalon‑MM responses to the Avalon‑ST packet protocol format before passing them back through the TCP/IP communication channel.

Using This Design Example

To use this design example, download a free evaluation version of the Nios II Embedded Design Suite (EDS). A prebuilt hardware design for the NEEK version of the Nios II Ethernet Standard Design Example is provided in The SCTCP software is provided in the software_examples directory of this zip archive for this design example. The SCTCP software can also work with the other versions of the Nios II Ethernet Standard Hardware Design Example once an on-chip memory SOPC Builder component has been added. Instructions for adding an on-chip memory are provided in the AN 624: Debugging with System Console over TCP/IP (PDF) application note.

The on-chip memory SOPC Builder component represents the component under test. You can use this SCTCP software design example to test your own custom SOPC Builder component using the System Console over a TCP/IP connection by replacing the component under test in the hardware design example with your own custom component. The only requirement is that the designated SOPC Builder component must have an Avalon‑MM slave port. You can also use any hardware design which supports the Nichestack TCP/IP Networking Stack along with an SOPC Builder component which has an Avalon-MM slave port, with the SCTCP software.

The use of this design is governed by, and subject to, the terms and conditions of the Intel® Design Example License Agreement.

Hardware Requirements

This software example requires the following devices to be present in the target hardware design:

  • On-chip memory (or any SOPC Builder component with an interface compliant with Avalon-MM)
  • Ethernet hardware that supports the Nichestack TCP/IP Networking Stack

Related Links

For more information about using this example in your project, go to: