remove_all_parameters (::quartus::project)

The following table displays information for the remove_all_parameters Tcl command:

Tcl Package and Version

Belongs to ::quartus::project 6.0

Syntax remove_all_parameters [-h | -help] [-long_help] [-entity <entity_name> ] [-fall] -name <name> [-rise] [-tag <data> ] [-to <destination> ]
Arguments -h | -help Short help
-long_help Long help with examples and possible return values
-entity <entity_name> Entity to which parameter belongs
-fall Option applies to falling edge
-name <name> Parameter name (string pattern is matched using Tcl string matching)
-rise Option applies to rising edge
-tag <data> Option to tag data to this assignment
-to <destination> Destination of the parameter (string pattern is matched using Tcl string matching)
Removes all matching parameters.

The "-name" option is not case sensitive.
The "-to" option is case sensitive.

If the "-to" argument is specified, the function removes 
the parameters from the current entity. The parameters are 
removed from the PARAMETERS section of the entity. Otherwise,
the function removes the project-wide default parameters
obtained from the DEFAULT_PARAMETERS section.

This Tcl command filters the parameter data found in the
Quartus Prime Settings File (.qsf) and removes the data based on
the values specified by the "-name" and "-to" options. These
options can take string patterns containing special characters
from the set "*?\[]" as values. The values are matched using
Tcl string matching. Note that bus names are automatically
detected and do not need to be escaped. Bus names have the
following format:

<bus name>[<bus index>] or <bus name>[*]

The <bus name> portion is a string of alphanumeric characters.
The <bus index> portion is an integer greater than or equal to
zero or it can be the character "*" used for string matching.
Notice that the <bus index> is enclosed by the square
brackets "[" and "]". For example, "a[0]" and "a[*]" are
supported bus names and can be used as follows:

# To match index 0 of bus "a", type:
remove_all_parameters -name * -to a[0]

# To match all indices of bus "a", type:
remove_all_parameters -name * -to a[*]

All other uses of square brackets must be escaped if you do
not intend to use them as string patterns. For example,
to match indices 0, 1, and 2 of the bus "a", type:

remove_all_parameters -name * -to "a[escape_brackets \[]\[0-2\][escape_brackets \]]"

For more information about escaping square brackets, type
"escape_brackets -h".

Use the "-entity" option to remove the parameters from the 
specified entity. If the "-entity" option is not specified,
the value for the FOCUS_ENTITY_NAME assignment is used. If the
FOCUS_ENTITY_NAME value is not found, the revision name is used.

The parameters removed by using this Tcl command are
not saved to the Quartus Prime Settings File (.qsf) unless you
explicitly call one of the following two Tcl commands:

1) export_assignments
2) project_close (unless "-dont_export_assignments" is specified)

These two Tcl commands reside in the ::quartus::project Tcl 
package. You must save assignment changes before you run 
Quartus Prime command-line executables. Note, however, that 
the Tcl commands "execute_flow" and "execute_module" (part 
of the ::quartus::flow Tcl package) automatically call 
"export_assignments" before they run command-line executables.
Example Usage
## The following 3 examples remove project-wide,
## default parameter values
remove_all_parameters -name WIDTH
remove_all_parameters -name *ID*
remove_all_parameters -name *

## The following 3 examples remove entity-specific
## parameter values
remove_all_parameters -name inst1 -to SIZE
remove_all_parameters -name inst1 -to *IZ*
remove_all_parameters -name inst1 -to *
Return Value Code Name Code String Return
TCL_OK 0 INFO: Operation successful
TCL_OK 0 INFO: <string> parameter(s) were removed
TCL_OK 0 INFO: Removed parameter: <string>
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Can't find active revision name. Make sure there is an open, active revision name.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Entity does not exist or uses illegal name characters: <string>. Specify a legal entity name.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Can't run Tcl command while a process is in progress: <string>. To run the command, stop the compilation or simulation; or wait for the compilation or simulation to complete.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Parameter does not exist and cannot be removed: <string>. Specify an existing parameter name.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Illegal default parameter: <string>. Specify a legal default parameter name.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Illegal parameter: <string>. Specify a legal parameter name.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: An unknown error has occured.