get_name_info (::quartus::project)

The following table displays information for the get_name_info Tcl command:

Tcl Package and Version

Belongs to ::quartus::project 6.0

Syntax get_name_info [-h | -help] [-long_help] [-info <parent_name_id|base_name|entity_name|entity_definition|instance_name|full_path|short_full_path|node_type|creator|signaltapii|file_location|library|children|parameters> ] [-observable_type <all|pre_synthesis|post_synthesis|post_fitter|post_asm|stp_pre_synthesis> ] <name_id>
Arguments -h | -help Short help
-long_help Long help with examples and possible return values
-info <parent_name_id|base_name|entity_name|entity_definition|instance_name|full_path|short_full_path|node_type|creator|signaltapii|file_location|library|children|parameters> Option to specify the type of information to display.
-observable_type <all|pre_synthesis|post_synthesis|post_fitter|post_asm|stp_pre_synthesis> Option to specify the observable type of the name ID
<name_id> Option to specify the node name ID
Displays the specified type of information for the specified node 
name id. Type "get_names -long_help" to view how to get a collection 
of node name IDs.

If the "-observable_type" option is not specified, the default 
value is "all". The specified observable type must have the same 
observable type as specified in the "get_names" Tcl command which 
returned the currently specified node name id.

The value for "-observable_type" option can be one of 
the following:

Observable Type      Description
---------------      -----------------------------------
all                  Use post-Fitter information. If it is
                     not available, post-synthesis
                     information is used. Otherwise,
                     pre-synthesis information is used if it
pre_synthesis        Use pre-synthesis information.
post_synthesis       Use post-synthesis information.
post_fitter          Use post-Fitter information.
post_asm             Use post-Assembler information. The
                     post-Assembler information is only supported
                     for designs using the HardCopy II device family.
stp_pre_synthesis    Use Signal Tap pre-synthesis information.

The info type for the "-info" option can be one of 
the following:

Info Type            Description
--------------       -----------------------------------
parent_name_id       The name id for the node's parent.
base_name            The node name, which consists of an 
                     entity name and/or an instance name 
                     separated by a colon if necessary.
entity_name          The entity name.
entity_definition    The entity definition.
instance_name        The instance name.
full_path            The full hierarchy path name, which 
                     consists of entity name(s) and/or the 
                     instance name(s). This path name 
                     excludes the current focus entity.
                     If there is nothing shown, the
                     name id is the current focus entity's 
                     name id.
short_full_path      The short full hierarchy path name, 
                     which consists of the instance name(s).
                     This path name excludes the current 
                     focus entity. If nothing is 
                     shown, the name id is the
                     current focus entity's name id.
node_type            The node type, which can be one of 
                     the types supported by "get_names",
                     namely, "input", "output", "bidirectional",
                     "register", "combinational",
                     "hierarchy", "memory", or "bus".
                     If "pin" type was specified for 
                     "get_names" command, the node type shown
                     here is expanded to be "input", "output", or
                     Node type value of "qsf" indicates name 
                     originates from qsf settings file.
creator              The creator of the node, which is either
                     "user_entered" or "compiler_generated".
signaltapii          If this node can be connected to a
                     Signal Tap embedded logic analyzer, 
                     1 is shown. Otherwise, 0 is shown.
file_location        The source file location. For example,
                     the source file location for the entity
                     chiptrip is "chiptrip.v". To get the full
                     path to the source file, use the command
                     "resolve_file_path" which exists only in
                     version 4.0 or later of ::quartus::project
library              Library associated with the instance name.
children             Collection of all the children names of the
		     specified name. The children will include all 
		     the names in the specified hierarchy. 
parameters           Collection of parameters associated with the name.
		     Each element of the collection is a triplet that contains
		     the name, value and the type of the parameter.
Example Usage
# Get the name id of the current focus entity
set current_focus_entity_id [get_top_level_entity]

# The full path name of the current focus entity
# is empty because the full path excludes the 
# current focus entity
set msg "Full path of the current focus entity => ("
append msg [get_name_info -info full_path $current_focus_entity_id]
append msg ")"
puts $msg
puts ""

# Get the node type of the current focus entity
# The node type should be a hierarchy type
set msg "Node type of the current focus entity => ("
append msg [get_name_info -info node_type $current_focus_entity_id]
append msg ")"
puts $msg
Return Value Code Name Code String Return
TCL_OK 0 INFO: Operation successful
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Can't find active revision name. Make sure there is an open, active revision name.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Compiler database does not exist for revision name: <string>. At the minimum, run Analysis & Synthesis (quartus_map) with the specified revision name before using this Tcl command.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Illegal info type: <string>. Specify parent_name_id, base_name, entity_name, instance_name, full_path, short_full_path, node_type, creator, or signaltapii.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Illegal name id: <string>. Specify a name id that exists in a compiled Quartus Prime project.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Invalid name id for top level entity: <string>. Specify a valid top level entity id value. In Quartus Prime Pro, get_name_info query through integer value is only supported for get_top_level_entity TCL command. For other names query, please refer to get_names TCL command.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Invalid name id: <string>. Specify an integer greater than or equal to zero.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: You must open a project before you can use this command.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Post-Assembler compiler database does not exist for revision name: <string>. Run Assembler (quartus_asm) with the specified revision name before using this Tcl command.