New System Command (File Menu) (Platform Designer)

You access this command in Platform Designer by clicking File > New System.

Creates a Platform Designer system in the current Quartus® Prime working directory. Clicking New System is equivalent to opening Platform Designer from the Quartus® Prime software.

You must specify a Quartus® Prime project to associate with your Platform Designer system at the time of new system creation. You can either create a new Quartus® Prime project, or open an existing project.
Note: Selecting None from the drop-down list in the Quartus project field opens the Platform Designer tool in view-only mode.

Specify a Quartus® Prime revision. You can either create a new Quartus® Prime project, or open an existing revision.

To specify the Device family, Device part, or Board to target with your Platform Designer system, select the device name, device part number, or target board from the respective fields. If you are opening an existing Quartus® Prime project to associate with your Platform Designer system, click Retrieve Values to populate the fields with the device information of the Quartus® Prime project.

Note: Similarly, you can open an existing IP file, or create a new IP variant by selecting the IP Variant tab in the Create New System dialog box. To create a new IP variant, you must specify a Component type for the .ip file.