Messages Page (Options Dialog Box)
Allows you to set options controlling how messages from the most recent compilation or internal Quartus® Prime processes appear in the Messages window. You can also select which columns appear in the Messages window.
Promote critical warning messages to error messages
Allows you to change critical warning messages to error messages.
Show all submessages
Allows you to display submessages.
Display tab message count
Allows you to display in parenthesis the number of messages for each tab in the Messages window.
Show message ID:
Allows you to display the unique message ID in the text of a message.
Display messages in color (command-line only):
Allows you to display system and processing messages in color when you enter commands when running the command line version of the Quartus® Prime software. Information messages appear in green, warning messages in blue, and error messages in red.
Display message columns:
Allows you to specify which columns appear in the Messages window.