HTML-Format Report File (.htm) Definition

The HTML version of the Report window. Like the Report window, HTML-Format Report Files (.htm) display information about the compilation or simulation.

To generate HTML-format report files, click Tools > Options > Processing and turn on Automatically generate HTML-Format Report Files (.htm) after design processing.

To generate a single report file that combines the information of the individual module reports click Tools > Options > Processing and turn on both Automatically generate a single report file after design processing and Automatically generate HTML-Format Report Files (.htm) after design processing.

The HTML-Format Report Files contain the same sections as the corresponding sections in the Report window. Any charts in the Report window sections are converted into tables in the HTML-Format Report File.

The Quartus® Prime software can generate the following HTML-Format Report Files in the corresponding sub-folders of your project folder if you turn on the appropriate setting:

Report Name

File Name

Analysis & Synthesis

<revision name>.map.rpt.htm


<revision name>.asm.rpt.htm


Note: This report file is a single file that combines the information of the individual module report files if you turn on both Automatically generate a single report file after design processing and Automatically generate HTML-Format Report Files (.htm) after design processing.

<revision name>.cmp.rpt.htm

EDA Netlist Writer

<revision name>.eda.rpt.htm


<revision name>.fit.rpt.htm


<revision name>.flow.rpt.htm

Timing Analyzer timing analysis

<revision name>.sta.rpt.htm

For example, if you compiled the fir_filter design, the .htm file for Timing Analyzer timing analysis report fir_filter.sta.rpt.htm would be created at the root level of your project folder. The support files are created in a child folder named fir_filter.sta.rpt.htm_files.

You can direct the Quartus® Prime software to save the .htm output in a different folder than the project file by turning on Save project output files in specified directory and specifying a directory in the Compilation Process Settings page of the Settings dialog box.

If you stop a compilation, only the information generated prior to the point at which you halted the compilation are created as .htm files..

You can open the .htm report file with an HTML browser by clicking File > Open, and then selecting HTML/Text-Format Report Files from the Files of type list to display the list generated report files. Select the file you wish to view and click Open.

Note: If you plan to copy or share the .htm output, you must copy the .htm file and the matching child folder. For example, to copy or share the timing analysis report fir_filter.cmp.rpt.htm, you would need to copy the entire fir_filter.cmp.rpt.htm_files folder and all of its sub-folders.