
Closes the OpenCorePlus Status dialog box.

Depending on the phase of the connection process, and the type of Intel® FPGA IP that the device contains and that uses the OpenCorePlus feature, this button displays as a Close or Cancel button and can perform an additional action when clicked.

  • Cancel— Displays as a Cancel button while the Quartus® Prime software is receiving information from a device containing Intel® FPGA IP that use the OpenCorePlus feature. Clicking Cancel stops the Quartus® Prime software from establishing or maintaining a connection with the device.
  • Close or Cancel— Displays as a Close or Cancel button after the Quartus® Prime software receives information from a device containing Intel® FPGA IP that use the OpenCorePlus feature, depending on the type of Intel® FPGA IP that use the OpenCorePlus feature running on the device.
    • Close— Clicking Close stops the Intel® FPGA IP that use the OpenCorePlus feature running on the device.
    • Cancel— Clicking Cancel does not affect the Intel® FPGA IP that use the OpenCorePlus feature running on the device, which continue to run for the remaining amount of time.