Power Analyzer Summary Report

Summarizes the following information about the power analysis performed, including the estimated total thermal power consumption of the design. The report also includes a confidence metric that reflects the overall quality of the data sources for the signal activities used in the power analysis.

  • Power Analyzer Status shows the date and time that the Power Analyzer was last run, and indicates whether the power analysis completed successfully.
  • Quartus® Prime Version shows the version of Quartus® Prime software in use.
  • Revision Name shows the revision name of the design.
  • Top-level Entity Name
  • Family shows the name of the device family in use for the power analysis.
  • Device shows the device number of the device in use for the power analysis.
  • Power Models characterizes the power models in use for the power analysis.
  • Total Thermal Power Dissipation shows the estimated total thermal power dissipation resulting for the design.
  • Core Dynamic Thermal Power Dissipation shows the estimated core dynamic thermal power dissipation resulting for the design.
  • Core Static Thermal Power Dissipation shows the estimated core static thermal power dissipation resulting for the design.
  • I/O Thermal Power Dissipation shows the estimated I/O thermal power dissipation resulting for the design.
  • Power Estimation Confidence characterizes the overall confidence in the signal activity data provided to the Power Analyzer. (See the Power Analyzer Confidence Metric report for details of the input data.)