useioff VHDL Synthesis Attribute

A VHDL synthesis attribute that directs the Quartus® Prime software to implement input, output, and output enable registers in I/O cells that have fast, direct connections to an I/O pin, when possible. Using this option can improve I/O cell performance by minimizing setup, clock-to-output, and clock-to-output enable times.

To use the useioff synthesis attribute, first declare the synthesis attribute with a boolean type using an Attribute Declaration. Then use an Attribute Specification to associate the useioff synthesis attribute with a Port Declaration of a top-level VHDL entity. Specifying the useioff synthesis attribute as true directs the Quartus® Prime software to pack registers into the I/O cells representing the port. Specifying the useioff synthesis attribute as false prevents register packing into the I/O cells. If you associate the synthesis attribute with any other VHDL object, or if you specify an illegal (non-Boolean) value, the synthesis attribute is ignored.

Note: Because this synthesis attribute is supported internally using the Fast Output Register, Fast Input Register, and Fast Output Enable Register logic options, it has the same support restrictions as these logic options.

For example, in the following code, the Attribute Declaration declares the useioff synthesis attribute, and the Attribute Specifications direct the Quartus® Prime software to implement the registers a_reg, b_reg, and o_reg in the I/O cells corresponding to the ports a, b, and o, respectively:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity top_level is
   port (
      clk  : in  std_logic;
      a, b : in  unsigned(1 downto 0);
      o    : out unsigned(1 downto 0));
   attribute useioff : boolean;
   attribute useioff of a : signal is true;
   attribute useioff of b : signal is true;
   attribute useioff of o : signal is true;
end top_level;
architecture rtl of top_level is
   signal o_reg, a_reg, b_reg : unsigned(1 downto 0);
begin  -- rtl
   a_reg <= a;
   b_reg <= b;
   o_reg <= a_reg + b_reg;
   end process;
   o <= o_reg;
end rtl;