View Menu

The View menu allows you to launch the default GUI panes in case you closed them.

You can launch the following System Console panes:

  • Toolkit Explorer—Allows you to concisely view all available toolkits and launch tools that use the System Console framework.
  • Messages—Displays messages generated when running tools within the System Console.
  • System Explorer—Allows you to view a list of interactive instances in your design, which may include connections, devices, designs, design instances, servers, and scripts. When you write scripts and specify the path where they are located in the environment settings of your operating system, you can then run the scripts from the System Explorer.
    Note: For example, to view Tcl scripts in the System Explorer, you can place the scripts in $Home directory path /system_console/scripts.
  • Tcl Console—Allows you to run commands and Tcl scripts from within the System Console.
  • Welcome—Welcome screen of the System Console.